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Template created for Research Bazaar (ResBaz) Events


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ResBaz Auckland Template

  • This is a conference template created by Sam Kavanagh based largely on the Project Zeppelin / GDG DevFest 2014 site template.


  • Easy to setup
  • Simple and responsive design
  • Integrated speakers and sessions management
  • SVG icons
  • SEO friendly

Quick-start guide

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone locally
  3. Update _config.yml
  4. Select what content blocks do you need
  5. Push changes to gh-pages branch
  6. Enjoy your awesome site at http://[your github name]

Note: By default this template assumes you are going to be using a custom domain with it, and your files will be served from the root folder of this address. In order to deploy this site as a subdirectory, e.g. http://[your githubname] modify the baseurl field in _config.yml (in this example to /resbaz).

Local development

Check if you have all requirements for local environment. To install all development dependencies install Bundler.

    gem install bundler

and run next command from root folder:

  bundle install

To start Jekyll run:

    jekyll serve -w

Site will be available at or http://localhost:4000/ (on Windows)

NOTE: in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing _config.yml you have to restart server.

Sass(Compass) support

Note: You need to install Node.js

To watch changes of .sass files and compile it to the .css on a fly change property safe: true to safe: false in _config.yml. Note: It works only on local machine, because GitHub runs Jekyll in --save mode

Resource optimizations (optional)

You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automatically (for now only on Windows). But for Mac OS users available amazing tool - imageoptim. Thanks @raphaelsavina for link. Optimize all images by running this script from /automation/images/ folder:

    all_image_optimization.bat -d -jtran -pout -pquant -optip -gsicle -svgo

To minify CSS and JS run minify_js.bat (for Windows) and (for Linux and MacOS) from /automation/minifying/ folder:


Learn more about available optimization options from the original Zeppelin template's documentation.

Instructions for ResBaz Site Editors

Blog Posts

  • All blog posts are located in the _posts/ folder.
  • New blog posts are created simply by creating a new file in this folder and following the naming convention YYYY-MM-DD-title-here.markdown
  • All blog posts should begin with the following code snippet:
layout: post
title:  "Post title goes here!"
date:   2019-03-25 12:38:00
isStaticPost: false
Actual post content goes here. Note the date above should match the filename.

Home page sections

  • To enable/disable a content block on the homepage, simply add/delete on of the lines in the index.html file located in the root folder. E.g. to disable the 'Rockstar Speakers' block simply remove the line:
 {% include rockstar-speakers.html %}
  • To edit the content of one of these sections find the corresponding section in the _config.yml file located in the root folder. E.g. to edit the 'About' block, edit the section:
# About Block
aboutTitle: "About ResBaz Auckland"
aboutSubtitle: "Conference"
aboutText: "<p>The Research Bazaar is a worldwide festival promoting the digital literacy emerging at the center of modern research. Throughout 2019, events will be held at a number of university campuses around the globe.</p>
  • Note that when developing locally Jekyll needs to be restarted before any changes to _config.yml are visible.

Sessions Page

  • To add/edit the content that appears on either the 'Sessions' page, simply modify the file _data/sessions.yml.
  • Note that this data is also used in other pages, e.g. the 'Schedule' page, and changes to content that already appears in the 'Schedule' page will also be reflected there. However for an item to appear in the schedule, it has to be referenced in the _data/schedule.yml file.
  • Regardless of whether an item in _data/sessions.yml has been referenced in _data/schedule.yml, it will still appear in the 'Schedule' page.
  • Insert new items in the following format:
  id: 007
  title: "Crash course in Pen Testing"
  description: "Learn the basics of pen testing. Martinis provided."
  subtype: workshop
  speakers: [4, 5, 6]
  complexity: "Beginner" 
  presentation: ""
  • Note that the complexity, presentation, and subtype fields are all optional.
  • The speakers field references the ID of speakers, listed in the _data/speakers.yml file.

Speakers Page

  • To add/modify speakers, simply modify the file _data/speakers.yml.
  • These appear in the format:
  id: 4
  name: "Sam"
  surname: "Kavanagh"
  company: "Centre for eResearch"
  title: "eResearch Engagement Specialist"
  bio: "Sam is a member of the Centre for eResearch's engagement team and is teaching the LaTeX workshop."
  thumbnailUrl: "sam_kavanagh.jpg"
  rockstar: true
    - {abbr: "CeR", title: "Centre for eResearch", url: ""}
    - {name: "github", link: ""}
  • Note the rockstar field determines whether a speaker appears in the Rockstar Speakers block on the homepage
  • The thumbnailURL, ribbon, and social fields are all optional

Schedule Page

  • To make updates the schedule, simply modify the file _data/schedule.yml.
  • Days are each specified separately, and can have their own start/end times, timeslots, and streams.
  • These appear in the following format:
  date: "2019-07-10"
  dateReadable: "July 10"
    - {title: "Stream 1", color: "#90be4e"}
    - {title: "Stream 2", color: "#03a9f4"}
    - {title: "Stream 3", color: "#e91e63"}
    - {title: "Stream 4", color: "#FF00FF"}
    - {
    	startTime: "10:00",
    	endTime: "10:45",
    	sessionIds: [002, 404, 002, 001]
    - {
        startTime: "11:00",
        endTime: "11:45",
        sessionIds: [404, 404, 404, 001]
    - {
    	startTime: "12:00",
    	endTime: "11:45",
    	sessionIds: [307]
  • Note 1: A session id of 404 is used to specify that there is nothing on in this timeslot.
  • Note 2: There are two items in _data/sessions.yml which are used to specify lunch/coffee breaks, by default these have the IDs 503 and 307 respectively.
  • The example above shows a single day with 4 'tracks/streams'. In the timeslot from 11-11:45 there would be no talks for Stream 1-3, and the item with the ID 001 specified in _data/sessions.yml would appear in Stream 4.

Used libraries


Project is published under the MIT license. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors.

The original creators of the Zeppelin template also ask that you contact them when your site is live as they maintain a gallery/list of their template instances.