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Commercial Version

Zhang edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 6 revisions


Commercial Version has never been sold for now, and due to NDA reasons, I'll unlikely sell it publicly in the future. If you know a middleman that I personally know and trust, we can talk in private.

Everything below is outdated has hasn't been updated since 2020

Extra Features

  • GlobalVariable Reference Obfuscation
  • Target Jump Address in IndirectBranch Obfuscation
  • Constant Encryption
  • Code Integrity Protection(aka Anti InlineHook,Anti Patching)(Currently supports iOS/macOS only)
  • Support all terminators in Flattening, open-source version simply skips the whole function if it contains unsupported instruction
  • Function Splitting
  • Anti Runtime Hook
  • Other features
  • And many bug fixes

Work In Progress Features in Commercial Version

  • C++ RTTI Obfuscation
  • Syscall Lowering

Experimental Features

These are the features that already works, but needs more work to improve compatibility and reduce bugs

  • Virtualization
  • Swift Support
  • Anti Disassembler on Certain Archs Deprecated due to the abused disassembler bug has been fixed

But where do I buy it

As much as I'd love to profit a few thousand dollars a year from each user, you probably shouldn't. The open-source version is more than enough to defeat 99% of the script kiddies and hackers out there. The only cases you actually need the private version are:

  • I'm too rich and I simply want the best
  • My product contains very sensitive algorithms that need to be well-protected.

Other than that, for usage scenarios like a DRM verification for your software, proper algorithm level implementation plus the open-source version of Hikari is probably a better choice.

Still want it?

Send me an email after July 2019 so we can discuss further

Do I get the source-code of it?

Not really, as stated before in this documentation and multiple online resources by third-party, knowing the inner workings of an Obfuscator helps the attacker to defeat the obfuscation easier if he/she has the right skill set. While the open-source components of Hikari have been specifically designed to reduce such impact (which is why I decided to open-source them in the first place), some components simply need to remain as private as possible. As such providing source to those components isn't going to benefit anyone because an attacker could just buy the commercial version and use the source-code to defeat some of the Obfuscations

License Model

The private/commercial version has two license models:

  • Per-usage payment: A one-time fee is paid upfront. The customer is required to send the project's LLVM Internal Representation (Obtainable by adding -S -emit-llvm to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or enabling full Bitcode in compile options). The customer gets obfuscated binary as well as steps required to make sure that the obfuscated program works without crashes and misbehaviours.
  • Annual payment: A one-time fee is paid upfront. The customer gets the full toolkit ported to a form specified (OpenSource Swift/LLVM/Android NDK or injected into Apple Clang) including any updates in the following 365days as well as technical support. Annual customers also have the chance to require for a fully customized obfuscation pass that suits their needs provided the pass is not overcomplicated, otherwise extra fees may apply.


Distribution Format and redistribution

The toolkit will be distributed in one or more layers of packed/obfuscated binary form which may or may not include a hardware dongle (Subject to discussion with the customer on a case-by-case analysis). The customer is not allowed to redistribute any component of the toolkit outside of its business entity without written consent.