If you want to share a MWE with someone that does not affect their system, give these commands to let them:
- Install Qemu
- Download an Ubuntu .iso from the trusted Ubuntu website.
- Run your
file to automatically install that.iso
in Qemu. - Include the setup you want to share as a post-script such that the other person has the exact same system as you.
Alternatively, use this to automatically configure your pc/laptop from an empty hardrive.
# Install qemu.
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm
# Install the virtual installer that installs Ubuntu on Qemu.
sudo apt-get install virt-install
# Allow copy paste between qemu Ubuntu and your own device
sudo apt-get install spice-vdagent
# Allow a bridge between qemu and your own device to grant Ubuntu internet.
sudo apt-get install libvirt-daemon-system
sudo apt-get install libvirt-clients
#sudo apt-get install python-libvirt
# Create working directory
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/qemus
cd ~/qemus
# Download the Ubuntu iso.
#wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/jammy/ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/lunar/ubuntu-23.04-desktop-amd64.iso
# Then create image with:
qemu-img create ubuntu.img 30G
# Set ubuntu release to create
# Create vm drive for installation
qemu-img create -f qcow2 \
./${release}.qcow2 30G
# Allow a network bridge between qemu and your laptop.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/qemu
sudo mkdir -p /etc/qemu
sudo sh -c 'echo "allow virbr0" > /usr/local/etc/qemu/bridge.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo "allow virbr0" > /etc/qemu/bridge.conf'
# Start installation
virt-install --name base-${release} --ram 2048 \
--disk path=./${release}.qcow2,size=8 \
--check path_in_use=off \
--vcpus 1 \
--os-variant ubuntu-lts-latest \
--network default \
--graphics none \
--console pty,target_type=serial \
--noreboot \
--location \
"http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/${release}/main/installer-amd64/" \
--extra-args "console=ttyS0,115200n8 ks=src/kickstart.cfg"
# To boot the Virtual machine, run:
qemu-system-x86_64 \
--enable-kvm \
-m 1024 \
-machine smm=off \
-cdrom $PWD/ubuntu-23.04-desktop-amd64.iso \
-cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso \
-boot order=d ${release}.qcow2
If you get:
is already in use by other guests ['base-trusty']
error, the following
resolved the issue:
ps ax | grep -i trusty
Gives long output with some process id, e.g.:
508724 ? Sl 0:09 /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name
guest=base-trusty,debug-threads=on -S -object {"qom-type":"secret","id":
/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-2-base-trusty/ etc.
Then stop that process with:
sudo kill 508724
Repeat until no, or only 1 line with base-trusty
remains in
the ps ax | grep -i trusty
Alternative strategy I
# Delete any old files from a previous installation
sudo rm -r /etc/libvirt/*
sudo rm -r /var/lib/libvirt/*
Alternative strategy II
undefine base-trusty
Note, the later two strategies were ran before the first strategy was found working. It is not sure whether they are required for the first strategy to work.
Put your unit test files (with extension .bats) in folder: /test/
(Re)-install the required submodules with:
chmod +x install-bats-libs.sh
sudo gem install bats
sudo gem install bashcov
sudo apt install shfmt -y
pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate
Run pre-commit with:
pre-commit run --all