This repository contributes the code to construct, visualize and save augmented images, namely Mosaic, CutOut, Random Crop (keep bbox safe), Shearing, Rotation, etc. by using Albumentation
and Mosaic
Please change the path in the 1st cell of each notebook to path in your local computer
- Mosaic_Augmentation.ipynb: construct, visualize and save mosaic images base on
folder - Albumentation_Visualization.ipynb: Apply, visualize multiple augmentation techniques, such as Random Crop (keep bbox safe), Cut Out, Channel Dropping, Rotation, Shearing, Guassian Noise,...
- Kmeans_Cluster_Images.ipynb: Using Kmeans to cluster images based on images' features extracted from VGG19 model
The library that we're using albumentation
and Mosaic from Yolov5
Mosaic augmentation with YOLO label format
Channel Dropout augmentation with YOLO label format
Cut Out augmentation with YOLO label format
Random crop but keep bbox safe augmentation with YOLO label format