Downloads images from Google search results based on a specified search query string, such as "cute kittens."
In order to keep the development process tidy, you should use a virtual environment when installing application-specific packages. There are multiple ways to set up virtual environments (e.g. using Pipenv), but the example below shows how you can do this using the native tools:
cd google_image_download
python3 -m venv .venv
NOTE: Never commit your virtual environment to git, as this adds a lot of uneccesary files.
Then install requirements on your virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
Then run the following commands to install all requirements for local:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To deactivate the virtual environment you just need to run the following commands:
For formatting our code we use black and isort packages.
The package can be build and installed with symlinks by doing the following:
cd google_iamge_download
pip install -e .
python sdist --formats=gztar
Before running the project create a PostgreSQL database on your local with a table name google_images and with a column name file_path. Because we are running this query in the program:
INSERT INTO public.google_images(file_path) VALUES ($1);
To create and run docker for this project run the following commands:
docker build -t google_img .
docker run -it google_img
This will run the program and ask you about the local PostgreSQL info. Then connect to that db, save image path to the db but the save the file on a folder in the container.