Topic: Letter recognition
PRoject Report: report
Located under Demo
should be ready to open with any browser but need to run the backend server to be able to utilize our model and recived prediction.DemoInternet.html
is under Demo/templates, is same website but hosted by server- (still only work for local unless you set up the router fowrding, behaves the same)
Located under "Demo" folder
file hosts the server, install all needed library below and use command "python" in Demo folder to
file contains the prediction routes/functions for the server to handel the request of using one version of our model.- Libary needed
for hosting server using python, intall with "pip intsall flask" & "pip intsall flask-cors"PIL
for image processing and save local copy of collected image, intall with "pip intsall pillow"numpy
for data processing and model calling
Also, change line 257 of DemoLocal.html const IP_address = ""
to the correct address that server is running at.
Example terminal output when run server: =====================
PS ........ECS171-FinalProject\demo> python .\
* Serving Flask app 'backend'<\br>
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
All model training code locates under ModelTraining
Final Data Preprocessing.ipynb
collects all the preprocessing functions we created.Final Model.ipynb
contains the training process and the performance analysis graphs.CNN_ver8_grid_search.ipynb
contains the grid search histroy for the last hyper parameter tunning step, and it generated the structure of our final model.- The rest notbook files which named with version number are the cleaned-up version of recorded attemps on data-processing / hyper parameter tuning with some analysis.