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A first test approach of the Constitutional Committee
In Progress
Mike Hornan <[email protected]>


In order to properly understand and inform the community about the coming governance mechanisms on Cardano, we will test different voting scenarios of the Constitutional Committee. For these tests to be a success, we must have a small and very active set of Constitutional Committee members. Otherwise, it will not be possible for us to gather all the possible scenarios outcomes in a short period of time before the release of these features on the mainnet.

  • We will use ABLE pool's Sancho-testnet discussion channel as our main communication media to request votes on these specific governance actions.
  • We will then inform you of the results by including them in this document, as well as the time (in Epochs) and manner (Yes, No, Abstain) that we will be doing those test.
  • When all the votes of the members of the Constitutional Committee will be included in the ledger we will be able to compare the results against our expectations.
  • Then, I will be able to trigger the results of the scenarios using a DReps that has over 51% of the total voting stakes to cross the DRep Threshold on its own.
  • We already used that power to lower the Stake Pools Thresholds to 1% in order to facilitate our testings by allowing a single stake pool to cross the threshold on its own.

The most crucial aspect of these test scenarios is therefore the real power of the Yes, No, Abstain vote on the ratification of a governance action by the Consitutional Committee.

Summary of the SanchoNet "Coup d'État"

We firmly wanted to be able to test all the voting possibilities as efficiently as possible. So we submitted a no-confidence governance action on the former Committee using our Drep of 2.7 millions voting power and the vote of the ABLE stake pool to cross the two necessary threshold in order to have it ratified. This subsequently allowed us to self-elect Mike Hornan, Johnny Kelly and Nicolas Cerny as a new constitutional committee.

Note The IOG developers who are currently working on governance mechanisms were aware of the situation and participated in the workshops and conversations about this takeover.

The original Constitutional Committee

The former committee was composed of 9 members in total.

  • Mike Hornan (ABLE)
  • Johnny Kelly
  • Mladen (RUMOR)
  • Martin (ATADA)
  • Jonah
  • Nicolas Lovecoach
  • Adam Rusch
  • Rick McCracken (DIGI)

The new temporary Constitutional Committee

The new committee is made up of three active members, each with three cold key pairs. All the information about the governance actions that allowed us to temporarily gain control can be found below.

CC Member Cold-key-hash
Johnny Kelly 8e60b56ece6188fbeca1bf9b8e27c20eedb66d248b18490e08c008f0
Mike Hornan (ABLE) d5fff827bb7847f6c42ca7f50c98467b06ba2ac7a7d653a513f514a3
Nicolas Lovecoach 3d0e7be94b166d2eab5363c6dd36e04cf3535d70e87d59876de0189c

Constitutional Committee voting tests and outcomes

Here are the Constitutional hot keys hashes that we have authorized for our tests. Each key hash will be assigned a key identifier in order to vote according to the configuration of our tests set up by Johnny Kelly.

CC Member Key Status Hot-key-hash Key Identifier
Johnny Kelly authorized 212f86a07149f5d19e1f841d065f9e76c6b4a76db727ae7afc2cb2e4 1
authorized 8b8fccbc95bd9ed423be3fc0694b21dbfac736cfafdc1fb0f6eb5257 2
authorized 677552649a2b6cad361caf41304989b1c4543233a4d6a83873b568d6 3
Mike Hornan (ABLE) authorized 178af21d50f0ce3aeddae6ad9b375ad4a7d982d48091f0b4e7e1bb31 4
authorized 53a42debdc7ffd90085ab7fd9800b63e6d1c9ac481ba6eb7b6a844e4 5
authorized d080a6bf0b347d7e647357361199b77fbbdf2680c6a091e1be79b540 6
Nicolas Lovecoach authorized a6e5df9f0c3c3c45380f7c26cd93d9d297839522e453e0f8f5983c33 7
authorized b41855e400020882ae44e868b341ffbad1c1b26cac70186d57387de4 8
authorized 942d1f20306f3f4cabffac0d549af02f4d94f0963c1f06378fec2e8c 9

First test suite

The Goal of the test is to determine all final Proposal Ratification outcomes of all combinations of Yes/No votes from Constitutional Committee Members, not accounting for explicit Abstain Votes.

Expected Results

Suite 1:

  • Quorum: 3/9 or 0.3333333333333333
Test no. Vote pattern Expected result
Test 1 0 Yes, 1 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum not being met
Test 2 1 Yes, 0 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum not being met
Test 3 0 Yes, 2 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum not being met
Test 4 1 Yes, 1 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum not being met
Test 5 2 Yes, 0 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum not being met
Test 6 0 Yes, 3 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 7 1 Yes, 2 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 8 2 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 9 3 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 10 0 Yes, 4 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 11 1 Yes, 3 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 12 2 Yes, 2 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 13 3 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 14 4 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 15 0 Yes, 5 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being me and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 16 1 Yes, 4 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 17 2 Yes, 3 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 18 3 Yes, 2 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 19 4 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 20 5 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 21 0 Yes, 6 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 22 1 Yes, 5 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 23 2 Yes, 4 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 24 3 Yes, 3 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 25 4 Yes, 2 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 26 5 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 27 6 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 28 0 Yes, 7 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 29 1 Yes, 6 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 30 2 Yes, 5 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 31 3 Yes, 4 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 32 4 Yes, 3 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 33 5 Yes, 2 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 34 6 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 35 7 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 36 0 Yes, 8 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 37 1 Yes, 7 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 38 2 Yes, 6 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 39 3 Yes, 5 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 40 4 Yes, 4 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 41 5 Yes, 3 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 42 6 Yes, 2 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 43 7 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 44 8 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 45 0 Yes, 9 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 46 1 Yes, 8 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 47 2 Yes, 7 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 48 3 Yes, 6 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 49 4 Yes, 5 No No Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and fewer than 51% voting Yes
Test 50 5 Yes, 4 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 51 6 Yes, 3 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 52 7 Yes, 2 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 53 8 Yes, 1 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 54 9 Yes, 0 No Confirmed Ratifcation due to Quorum being met and more than 51% voting Yes

Governance Actions

Index variables key 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9
INDEX_0 (Test 1) No `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ``

Index variables key 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9
INDEX_0 (Test 2) Yes `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ``

Index variables key 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9
INDEX_0 (Test 3) No No `` `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_1 (Test 4) Yes No `` `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_2 (Test 5) Yes Yes `` `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_3 (Test 6) No No No `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_4 (Test 7) Yes No No `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_5 (Test 8) Yes Yes No `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_6 (Test 9) Yes Yes Yes `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_7 (Test 10) No No No No `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_8 (Test 11) Yes No No No `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_9 (Test 12) Yes Yes No No `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_10 (Test 13) Yes Yes Yes No `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_11 (Test 14) Yes Yes Yes Yes `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_12 (Test 15) No No No No No `` `` `` ``
INDEX_13 (Test 16) yes No No No No `` `` `` ``
INDEX_14 (Test 17) Yes Yes No No No `` `` `` ``
INDEX_15 (Test 18) Yes Yes Yes No No `` `` `` ``
INDEX_16 (Test 19) Yes Yes Yes Yes No `` `` `` ``
INDEX_17 (Test 20) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes `` `` `` ``
INDEX_18 (Test 21) No No No No No No `` `` ``
INDEX_19 (Test 22) yes No No No No No `` `` ``
INDEX_20 (Test 23) Yes Yes No No No No `` `` ``
INDEX_21 (Test 24) Yes Yes Yes No No No `` `` ``
INDEX_22 (Test 25) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No `` `` ``
INDEX_23 (Test 26) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No `` `` ``
INDEX_24 (Test 27) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes `` `` ``
INDEX_25 (Test 28) No No No No No No No `` ``
INDEX_26 (Test 29) Yes No No No No No No `` ``
INDEX_27 (Test 30) Yes Yes No No No No No `` ``
INDEX_28 (Test 31) Yes Yes Yes No No No No `` ``
INDEX_29 (Test 32) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No `` ``
INDEX_30 (Test 33) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No `` ``
INDEX_31 (Test 34) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No `` ``
INDEX_32 (Test 35) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes `` ``
INDEX_33 (Test 36) No No No No No No No No ``
INDEX_34 (Test 37) Yes No No No No No No No ``
INDEX_35 (Test 38) Yes Yes No No No No No No ``
INDEX_36 (Test 39) Yes Yes Yes No No No No No ``
INDEX_37 (Test 40) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No ``
INDEX_38 (Test 41) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No ``
INDEX_39 (Test 42) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No ``
INDEX_40 (Test 43) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No ``
INDEX_41 (Test 44) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ``
INDEX_42 (Test 45) No No No No No No No No No
INDEX_43 (Test 46) Yes No No No No No No No No
INDEX_44 (Test 47) Yes Yes No No No No No No No
INDEX_45 (Test 48) Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
INDEX_46 (Test 49) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
INDEX_47 (Test 50) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
INDEX_48 (Test 51) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
INDEX_49 (Test 52) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Index variables key 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9
INDEX_0 (Test 53) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
INDEX_1 (Test 54) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Suite 1:

  • Quorum: 3/9 or 0.3333333333333333
Test no. Vote pattern Final result Matched expected?
Test 1 0 Yes, 1 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 2 1 Yes, 0 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 3 0 Yes, 2 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 4 1 Yes, 1 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 5 2 Yes, 0 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 6 0 Yes, 3 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 7 1 Yes, 2 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 8 2 Yes, 1 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 9 3 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 10 0 Yes, 4 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 11 1 Yes, 3 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 12 2 Yes, 2 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 13 3 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 14 4 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 15 0 Yes, 5 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 16 1 Yes, 4 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 17 2 Yes, 3 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 18 3 Yes, 2 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 19 4 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 20 5 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 21 0 Yes, 6 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 22 1 Yes, 5 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 23 2 Yes, 4 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 24 3 Yes, 3 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 25 4 Yes, 2 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 26 5 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 27 6 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 28 0 Yes, 7 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 29 1 Yes, 6 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 30 2 Yes, 5 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 31 3 Yes, 4 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 32 4 Yes, 3 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 33 5 Yes, 2 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 34 6 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 35 7 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 36 0 Yes, 8 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 37 1 Yes, 7 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 38 2 Yes, 6 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 39 3 Yes, 5 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 40 4 Yes, 4 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 41 5 Yes, 3 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 42 6 Yes, 2 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 43 7 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 44 8 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 45 0 Yes, 9 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 46 1 Yes, 8 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 47 2 Yes, 7 No $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 48 3 Yes, 6 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 49 4 Yes, 5 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{red} \sf{No}}$$
Test 50 5 Yes, 4 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 51 6 Yes, 3 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 52 7 Yes, 2 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 53 8 Yes, 1 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 54 9 Yes, 0 No $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$


<Additional comments>

Second test suite

The Goal of the test is to determine all final Proposal Ratification outcomes of various important combinations of Yes Votes and Abstain Positions from Constitutional Committee Members.

The working theory going into this test is that each Abstain Position explicitly presented by a CC Member On-Chain should have the knock on effect of lowering the Quroum requirement for actively submitted Votes, as Quorum is expressed as a % of actually active participants in the Vote.

This premise may be disproven as a result of these tests. If it is, this will help to provide better understanding of how the Quorum Parameter for the Consitutional Committe actually works in practice On-Chain.

Expected Results

Suite 2:

  • Quorum: 3/9 or 0.3333333333333333
Test no. Vote pattern Expected result
Test 1 1 Yes, 1 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 2 1 Yes, 2 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 3 1 Yes, 3 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 4 1 Yes, 4 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 5 1 Yes, 5 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 6 1 Yes, 6 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 7 1 Yes, 7 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 8 1 Yes, 8 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 9 2 Yes, 1 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 10 2 Yes, 2 Abstain No Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, not being met
Test 11 2 Yes, 3 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 12 2 Yes, 4 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 13 2 Yes, 5 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 14 2 Yes, 6 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 15 2 Yes, 7 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes
Test 16 3 Yes, 1 Abstain Confirmed Ratifcation due to revised Quorum requirement, caused by explicit Abstain Positions, being met and more than 51% voting Yes

NB: Testing ends here as 3 Yes votes alone should pass the original full 9 CC Member Quorum requirements of 3 of 9 even with any variation of Abstain Positions accompanying. Same applies for any amount of Votes by CC Members above 3 total.

Governance Actions

Index variables key 1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key 8 key 9
INDEX_0 (Test 1) Yes Abstain `` `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_1 (Test 2) Yes Abstain Abstain `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_2 (Test 3) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_3 (Test 4) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain `` `` `` ``
INDEX_4 (Test 5) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain `` `` ``
INDEX_5 (Test 6) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain `` ``
INDEX_6 (Test 7) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain ``
INDEX_7 (Test 8) Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain
INDEX_8 (Test 9) Yes Yes Abstain `` `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_9 (Test 10) Yes Yes Abstain Abstain `` `` `` `` ``
INDEX_10 (Test 11) Yes Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain `` `` `` ``
INDEX_11 (Test 12) Yes Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain `` `` ``
INDEX_12 (Test 13) Yes Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain `` ``
INDEX_13 (Test 14) yes Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain ``
INDEX_14 (Test 15) Yes Yes Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain
INDEX_15 (Test 16) Yes Yes Yes Abstain `` `` `` `` ``


Suite 2:

  • Quorum: 3/9 or 0.3333333333333333
Test no. Vote pattern Final result Matched expected?
Test 1 1 Yes, 1 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 2 1 Yes, 2 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 3 1 Yes, 3 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 4 1 Yes, 4 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 5 1 Yes, 5 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 6 1 Yes, 6 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 7 1 Yes, 7 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 8 1 Yes, 8 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 9 2 Yes, 1 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 10 2 Yes, 2 Abstain $${\color{red} \sf{No \space Ratification}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 11 2 Yes, 3 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 12 2 Yes, 4 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 13 2 Yes, 5 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 14 2 Yes, 6 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 15 2 Yes, 7 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$
Test 16 3 Yes, 1 Abstain $${\color{green} \sf{Ratified}}$$ $${\color{green} \sf{Yes}}$$


<Additional comments>


Testing the boundaries of the Cardano governance mechanisms and and do everything in our power to challenge its reliability







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