generate word cloud from Repeated words
the code start with importing necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import arabic_reshaper
from bidi.algorithm import get_display
then read the data as .CSV file contain 2 rows, [<the word>, <the word count>]
## read data file
df = pd.read_csv("<file path>.csv")
you can get the data from any source but in the specific format recommended for the data to be from pandas DataFrame you can select the data from pandas DataFrame after filtering and save it to .csv file as in the code
## save the file
df.<col_name>.value_counts().to_csv(<file path>.csv, index = True)
after reading the data will add every word in a list by the number of it's repeating and join it as text
## add and repeat the words in list
word_list = []
for i in range(len(df)):
for j in range(df.iloc[:, 1][i]):
word_list.append(df.iloc[:, 0][i])
## join the text
text = " ".join(word_list)
if the text include arabic words it wont display correctly then you should use "reshape_arabic()" function it reshapr all arabic words ther replace the single words th prevent any problems
def reshape_arabic(text_file):
te = arabic_reshaper.reshape(text_file)
te = get_display(te)
word_replace = {"ﺀ":"ء", "ﺍ":"ا", "ﺏ":"ب", "ﺕ":"ت", "ﺓ":"ة", "ﺙ":"ث", "ﺝ":"ج",
"ﺡ":"ح", "خ":"ﺥ", "ﺩ":"د", "ﺫ":"ذ", "ﺭ":"ر", "ﺯ":"ز", "ﺱ":"س",
"ﺵ":"ش", "ﺹ":"ص", "ﺽ":"ض", "ﻁ":"ط", "ﻅ":"ظ", "ﻉ":"ع", "ﻍ":"غ",
"ﻑ":"ف", "ﻕ":"ق", "ﻙ":"ك", "ﻝ":"ل", "ﻡ":"م", "ﻥ":"ن", "ﻩ":"ه",
"ﻭ":"و", "ﻱ":"ى", "ﻯ":"ي" ,}
for i in word_replace.keys():
te = te.replace(i, word_replace[i])
return te
after thar the text is ready to became word cloud
wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 1080, height = 1080,
background_color ='white',
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS),
min_font_size = 8,
*the word cloud parameters is:
width : "the image width" <int>
height : "the image height" <int>
stopwords : "set(Stopword) from librari" <set>
font_path : "the path to teh font file" <path to .ttf file>
min_font_size: "the minmum font in the image" <int>
collocations : "Default us True,it douple every word in the data" <boolean>
if you want to show teh image in your IDE you canuse matplotlib
# plot the WordCloud image
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8), facecolor = None)
plt.tight_layout(pad = 0)