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Read-di is distributed with a few examples in its source code. Most of these examples are also on CodeSandbox.

All examples use parcel-js as this is the easiest way how to boot any demo app ;).


Run the Counter example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/counter
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.

This is the most basic example of using Rea-di for handling state on Service layer with React.

This example includes tests.

Counter With Logger

Run the Counter with Logger app example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/counter-with-logger
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.

This builds on previous counter example and adds Logger service which is injected to CounterService. With that we get logs into console on every action.

Counter With multiple Injectors and hierarchies

Run the Counter with Multiple Injectors and hierarchies app example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/counter-with-multiple-injectors
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.

This builds on previous counter with logger example and demonstrates multiple child injectors resolution and aliasing by using one common Counter component with different service instances injected by the same token resolved via tree hierarchy. Also it adds configurable MultiplyCounterService.

Try to do this without DI framework... Good luck with that 😇

Github User Search

Run the Github User Search example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/github-user
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.

This demonstrates simple implementation of DI and shows usage of both <Inject> and Hoc withInjectables() to wire up DI to React app component tree.

Tour of Heroes

Run the Tour of Heroes example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/tour-of-heroes
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.

This is the best example to get a complete understanding of how to register and work with real life DI container powered by Rea-DI within React application. In a nutshel this app is "just" an Angular Tour of Heroes Tutorial rewrite to React with Rea-DI.

This example includes tests.

Tour of Heroes ( with Redux and Redux-Observable )


Run the Tour of Heroes example:

git clone

cd rea-di/examples/tour-of-heroes-redux-redux-observable
yarn install
yarn start

Or check out the sandbox.