Puppet module for installing "Alternative PHP Cache" (APC)
Installs APC Support with basis configuration. Depends on (tested with)
Example usage:
include apc
with parameter overrides:
class{'::apc': param => 'value', }
- edit params.pp to change default values
- add new values to augeas-command in config.pp
Author: Stefan Kögel Contributor: Dave Simons [Inuits BVBA - inuits.eu]
GitHub: [email protected]:stkoegel/puppet-apc.git
Changelog: Version 0.2 - Added CentOS support - Syntax update - Allow external overriding of parameters - Added 'stat', 'canonicalize' and 'include_once_override' values Version 0.1 - Initial Commit for Debian/Ubuntu and three config values
- make configuration more flexible by defining a config class (see below)
define config ( $value ) {
# $name is provided by define invocation
# guid of this entry
$key = $name
$context = "/files/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/apc.ini/"
augeas { ".anon/$key":
context => "$context",
onlyif => "get $key != '$value'",
changes => "set $key '$value'",