Mercc is a simple C interpreter which derived from merdog. merdog
- int (i32)
- char (i8)
- bool
- double (r64) you can define pointers , arrays and structure by these simple type
- if-else
- while/for
- swich
- stdlib-> malloc
- union
- most of C libs except for stdio.h string.h math.h
- bit-fields
- static keyword
- some types (unsigned, short ,long and so on... unsigned will be finished in next version).
- register keyword / violate keyword
- and some other uncommon feature.
- using the following instruction, mercc should be added into the environment.
mercc filename
- check the verison
mercc -v
- You can download the Windows 10 version at microsoft app store.C interpreter, and the app don't support console input, but you can use pre_input
By HttoHu(胡远韬)
Contact: Email