I want to make code-server uses like jupyterhub, login at web browser without ssh into server and spawn a code-server instance
And it's so convenient, and I am the MIS personnel of my lab. So I wrote a installation script. But with the time passed, I added more and more function in this script....
This is a nginx reverse proxy config which will try to authenticate user:password with linux pam module ,and try to execute command to spawn a code-server workspace by that user, and then proxy_pass to it.
Actually this script is only a installation script, it's a one-click configuration script for training servers of our lab.
Please install nvidia-driver before use this script and make sure nvidia-smi
works properly if you have GPUs.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuJK/Code-Server-Hub/master/install.sh
chmod 755 install.sh
sudo install.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HuJK/Code-Server-Hub/master/install.sh
chmod 755 install.sh
sudo ./install.sh -hp=yes -hps=yes -pq=yes -st=yes -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=no -d=yes -de=yes -dn=yes -dp=yes
paramater | description | port occupied |
This project | 8443 | |
hp | Replace homepage of nginx | 80 |
hps | Enable https for homepage | 443 |
pq | Install pwquality,force users to use strong passwords with libpam-pwquality Password requirement:at least one lower-case, upper-case, digit, and non-alphanumeric minlen =8,usercheck and dictcheck enabled |
st | Install servstat backend a web gui to check who is using the GPUs |
9989 |
jph | Install jupyterhub | 18517,8001 |
pip3 | Install python3-pip。it will be skipped if already installed. | |
c | Install cockpit | 9090 |
rd | Install rootless-docker | |
d | Install code-server-hub docker version | 2087 |
de | Install docker engine,it will be skipped if already installed. | |
dn | Install nvidia-docker,it will be skipped if already installed. | |
dp | Install portainer,it will be skipped if already installed. | 9000 |
sudo ./install.sh -hp=no -hps=no -pq=no -st=no -jph=no -pip3=no -c=no -rd=no -d=no -de=no -dn=no -dp=no
Demo: https://cshub.hujk.org/200-panel.html
user | passwd |
root | DockerAtHeroku |
sudo ./install.sh -hp=no -hps=no -pq=no -st=no -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=no -d=no -de=no -dn=no -dp=no
sudo ./install.sh -hp=no -hps=no -pq=yes -st=no -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=yes -d=yes -de=yes -dn=yes -dp=yes
than access your ip with port 8443(normal version) and 2087(docker version) with web browser.
- nginx with lua and auth-pam module
- wget curl
- openssl
- git
- python3 python3-pip
- p7zip
Predefined functions in bash
function get_cpu_architecture()
local cpuarch;
cpuarch=$(uname -m)
case $cpuarch in
echo "amd64";
echo "arm64";
echo "Not supported cpu architecture: ${cpuarch}" >&2
exit 1
if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
. /etc/os-release
Doenload files to /etc/code-server-hub
cd /etc
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/HuJK/Code-Server-Hub.git code-server-hub
cd /etc/code-server-hub
Add nginx to shadow to make pam_module work and set permission to allow nginx read/write to following folder
usermod -aG shadow www-data
echo "###set permission###"
mkdir -p /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub
mkdir -p /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chmod -R 755 /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub
chmod -R 775 /etc/code-server-hub/util
chmod -R 773 /etc/code-server-hub/sock
chmod -R 770 /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chmod -R 700 /etc/code-server-hub/cert
chgrp shadow /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chgrp shadow /etc/code-server-hub/util/anime_pic
Generate self signed cert
echo "###generate self signed cert###"
echo "###You should buy or get a valid ssl certs ###"
echo "###Now I generate a self singed certs in cert folder ###"
echo "###But you should replace it with valid a ssl certs ###"
echo '###Remember update your cert for cockpit too! ###'
echo '### cat ssl.pem ssl.key > /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d/0-self-signed.cert###'
cd /etc/code-server-hub/cert
openssl genrsa -out ssl.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key ssl.key -out ssl.pem -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost
- tmux
- npm
Doenload latest code-server
cd /etc/code-server-hub
curl -L -s https://api.github.com/repos/cdr/code-server/releases/latest \
| grep "browser_download_url.*linux-${cpu_arch}.tar.gz" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -i - -O code-server.tar.gz
echo "###unzip code-server.tar.gz###"
rm -r /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub/* || true
tar xzvf code-server.tar.gz -C .cshub
mv .cshub/*/* .cshub/
rm code-server.tar.gz
Link config file to nginx
cd /etc/code-server-hub
ln -s /etc/code-server-hub/code /etc/nginx/sites-available/code
ln -s ../sites-available/code /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code
Now, you can access https://[your_ip]:8443
to access it.
- docker
Choose one image from following list
image | description |
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:minimal |
CPU only |
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:standard |
CPU only |
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:basicML |
GPU required |
If you want to build your own image, follow this link https://github.com/HuJK/Code-Server-Hub/tree/master/Dockerfile
Then modify /etc/code-server-hub/util/create_docker.py
,locate line7 and line8, replace the name to your choose based on your hardware(CPU or GPU)
image_name_cpu = "whojk/code-server-hub-docker:minimal"
image_name_gpu = "whojk/code-server-hub-docker:basicML"
Line 51 will check nvidia-docker works or not. If it works, it will use image_name_gpu
, otherwise use image_name_cpu
has_gpu = []
image_name = image_name_cpu
outs, errs = subprocess.Popen(["docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.2-base nvidia-smi"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if len(outs) > 0:
has_gpu = ["--gpus", getGPUParam(username)]
image_name = image_name_gpu
Link config file to nginx
cd /etc/code-server-hub
ln -s /etc/code-server-hub/code-hub-docker /etc/nginx/sites-available/code-hub-docker
ln -s ../sites-available/code-hub-docker /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code-hub-docker
Now, you can access https://[your_ip]:2087
to access it.