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This is a dockerfile that create an docker image for azure app service.

It contain crontab and service conrol and runit. similar to , but this is Ubuntu 18.04.

And other stuff. Such as ssh(

How to build it

Prepare build kit

# make your computer able to rum arm64 binary
docker run --rm --privileged docker/binfmt:820fdd95a9972a5308930a2bdfb8573dd4447ad3
# enable expremental feature
docker buildx create --name mybuilder_az --driver docker-container
docker buildx use mybuilder_az

Build in local

docker buildx build  --platform linux/amd64 -t whojk/ubuntu-azure-apps . --output="type=docker"

#Test in localhost
docker run -it --rm --env-file=env_file_example --name=az whojk/ubuntu-azure-apps
docker exec -it az bash

Build and push

docker buildx build  --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t whojk/ubuntu-azure-apps . --push

How to use it:

Upload to the docker hub, and deploy it to azure app service Azure deploy example

Boot order

  1. /etc/init.d/rcS
  2. /etc/rc.local
  3. all services stored at /etc/service

Environment Variables

  1. APT_UPDATE : 0/1, run apt update at startup
  2. APT_UPGRADE : 0/1, run apt upgrade at startup
  3. UPTIME_LOG : 0/1, enable uptime log at /root/.log/uptime.log
    1. TZ : Time zone
  4. COMMAND_SSH: 0/1: ssh server for receive external command
    1. AUTOSSH: 0/1, use autossh to expose ssh port on remote server to receive external command
      1. SSH_KEY: printf formatted id_rsa openssh private key file, use to connect to your server
      2. SSH_KNOW_HOSTS : printf formatted known_hosts file, use to connect to your server without asking unknow hosts
      3. SSH_AUTHED_KEYS : printf formatted authorized_keys file. Use to allow remote incoming connection(password is disabled)
      4. SSH_USER : username to connect to ssh server
      5. SSH_CONN : domain/ip to connect to ssh server
      6. SSH_CONN_PORT : port to connect to ssh server
      7. RSSH_REMOTE_MONITOR_PORT : monitoring port of autossh
      8. RSSH_REMOTE_PORT : ssh will exposed on this port on the remote server
    2. FRPC: 0/1, use frp client to expose ssh port on remote server to receive external command
      1. FRPC_CONN: frp server domain
      2. FRPC_CONN_PORT: frp server port
      3. FRPC_USER: frp user
      4. FRPC_TOKEN: frp token
      5. FRPC_PROTO: frp protocol. tcp/kcp/websocket
      6. FRPC_REMOTE_PORT: ssh will exposed on this port on the remote server
  5. CLOUDFLARED: 0/1, enable cloudflared
    1. CLOUDFLARED_CERT: printf formatted cert.pem
    2. CLOUDFLARED_LOCAL_PORT: cloudflared proxied internal port
    3. CLOUDFLARED_DOMAIN: cloudflared
    4. JUPYTER: 0/1, enable internal jupyter server
      1. JUPYTER_LOCAL_PORT: internal jupyter server port, if you want to expost it via cloudfalre, must be same as CLOUDFLARED_LOCAL_PORT
    5. V2RAY: 0/1, enable v2ray server
      1. V2RAY_LOCAL_PORT: internal v2ray server port. Must be unique to other services
      2. V2RAY_PATH: v2ray path.
      3. V2RAY_UUIDS: split uuid with :
  6. INIT_STARTUP: run /etc/init.d/{program} start at startup.
    1. Format: split service name with :
    2. Supported value:
      1. mongodb
      2. mysql
      3. php7.4-fpm
      4. postgresql
      5. tor
  7. Other Variables:

You can checkout this example environment variables file: env_file_example


A Dockerfile create a docker image that contain Ubuntu with runit






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