Library for collecting UDP-notif protocol messages.
To build the project and test example clients, just make
on root folder. Il will compile with gcc all dependences and the clients.
To install the library on a machine, run make install
with sudo and
without sudo. Export script will export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on user space.
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ ./
$ sudo ./
You should remove the export of the lib in your bashrc manually yourself to fully remove the lib.
The collector allows to read and parse UDP-notif protocol messages from a ip/port specified on the parameters. It allows to get directly the buffer and the metadata of the message in a struct.
The api is in unyte_collector.h
unyte_collector_t *unyte_start_collector(unyte_options_t *options)
: Initialize the UDP-notif messages collector. It accepts a struct with different options: address (the IP address to listen to), port (port to listen to), recvmmsg_vlen (vlen used on recvmmsg syscall meaning how many messages to receive on every syscall, by default 10)void *unyte_queue_read(queue_t *queue)
: read from a queue a struct with all the message buffer and unyte_free_all(unyte_seg_met_t *seg)
: free all struct used on a message received.
Simple exemple of usage :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// include installed library headers
#include <unyte-udp-notif/unyte_collector.h>
#include <unyte-udp-notif/unyte_utils.h>
#include <unyte-udp-notif/queue.h>
#define PORT 10001
#define ADDR ""
int main()
// Initialize collector options
unyte_options_t options = {0};
options.address = ADDR;
options.port = PORT;
// if argument set to 0, defaults are used
options.recvmmsg_vlen = 0; // vlen parameter for recvmmsg. Default: 10
options.output_queue_size = 0; // output queue size. Default: 1000
options.nb_parsers = 0; // number of parsers threads to instantiate. Default: 10
options.socket_buff_size = 0; // user socket buffer size in bytes. Default: 20971520 (20MB)
options.parsers_queue_size = 0; // parser queue size. Default: 500
// Initialize collector
unyte_collector_t *collector = unyte_start_collector(&options);
// Exemple with infinity loop, change the break condition to be able to free all gracefully
while (1)
// Read message on queue
unyte_seg_met_t *seg = (unyte_seg_met_t *)unyte_queue_read(collector->queue);
// TODO: Process the UDP-notif message here
printf("get_version: %u\n", get_version(seg));
printf("get_space: %u\n", get_space(seg));
printf("get_encoding_type: %u\n", get_encoding_type(seg));
printf("get_header_length: %u\n", get_header_length(seg));
printf("get_message_length: %u\n", get_message_length(seg));
printf("get_generator_id: %u\n", get_generator_id(seg));
printf("get_message_id: %u\n", get_message_id(seg));
printf("get_src_port: %u\n", get_src_port(seg));
printf("get_src_addr: %u\n", get_src_addr(seg));
printf("get_dest_addr: %u\n", get_dest_addr(seg));
printf("get_payload: %s\n", get_payload(seg));
printf("get_payload_length: %u\n", get_payload_length(seg));
// Free UDP-notif message after
// To shut down the collector, just shutdown and close the socket.
shutdown(*collector->sockfd, SHUT_RDWR);
// wait for main_tread to finish
pthread_join(*collector->main_thread, NULL);
// Free last packets in the queue
while (is_queue_empty(collector->queue) != 0)
unyte_seg_met_t *seg = (unyte_seg_met_t *)unyte_queue_read(collector->queue);
// freeing collector mallocs
return 0;
To process the message data, all the headers, meta-data and payload are found on the struct unyte_seg_met_t defined on unyte_utils.h:
typedef struct unyte_segment_with_metadata
unyte_metadata_t *metadata; // source/port
unyte_header_t *header; // UDP-notif headers
char *payload; // payload of message
} unyte_seg_met_t;
uint8_t get_version(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: encoding versionuint8_t get_space(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: space of encoding versionuint8_t get_encoding_type(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: dentifier to indicate the encoding type used for the Notification Messageuint16_t get_header_length(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: length of the message header in octetsuint16_t get_message_length(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: total length of the message within one UDP datagram, measured in octets, including the message headeruint32_t get_generator_id(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: observation domain id of the messageuint32_t get_message_id(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: message id of the messageuint16_t get_src_port(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: source port of the messageuint32_t get_src_addr(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: source address of the messageuint32_t get_dest_addr(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: collector addresschar *get_payload(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: payload bufferuint16_t get_payload_length(unyte_seg_met_t *message);
: payload length
The sender allows the user to send UDP-notif protocol to a IP/port specified. It cuts the message into segments of the protocol if it is larger than the MTU specified in parameters.
The api is in unyte_sender.h
The message to send have the following structure:
typedef struct unyte_message
uint used_mtu; // MTU to use for cutting the message to segments
void *buffer; // pointer to buffer to send
uint buffer_len; // length of the buffer to send
// UDP-notif
uint8_t version : 3; // UDP-notif protocol version
uint8_t space : 1; // UDP-notif protocol space
uint8_t encoding_type : 4; // UDP-notif protocol encoding type
uint32_t generator_id; // UDP-notif protocol observation domain id
uint32_t message_id; // UDP-notif protocol message id
} unyte_message_t;
Simple usage of the sender :
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unyte-udp-notif/unyte_sender.h>
#include <unyte-udp-notif/unyte_utils.h>
#define PORT 10001
#define ADDR ""
#define MTU 1500
int main()
// Initialize collector options
unyte_sender_options_t options = {0};
options.address = ADDR;
options.port = PORT;
options.default_mtu = MTU;
// Initializing the sender --> it connect the socket to the address and port in options
struct unyte_sender_socket *sender_sk = unyte_start_sender(&options);
// pointer to the buffer to send
char *string_to_send = "Hello world1! Hello world2! Hello world3! Hello world4! Hello world5! Hello world6! Hello world7!";
// unyte message struct to send
unyte_message_t *message = (unyte_message_t *)malloc(sizeof(unyte_message_t));
message->buffer = string_to_send;
message->buffer_len = 97;
// UDP-notif
message->version = 0;
message->space = 0;
message->encoding_type = 1; // json but sending string
message->generator_id = 1000;
message->message_id = 2147483669;
message->used_mtu = 200; // If set to 0, the default mtu set on options is used, else, this one is used
// Send the message
unyte_send(sender_sk, message);
// Freeing message and socket
return 0;
There are some samples implemented during the development of the project here.
: simple example for minimal usage of the collector library.sender_sample.c
: simple example for minimal usage of the sender library.sender_json.c
: sample reading a json file and sending the bytes by the library.
See Docker docs
See License