Intended audience: Internal developers
This workflow runs two tasks in parallel:
- Print "hello world" to a file. Take a string input and return it to the next process. Print "I said hello" to another file.
- Print "goodbye" to a file. Print "I said goodbye" to another file.
And then combines them in the third step, making outputs:
- A combined file that says "hello world" and "goobye"
- A second combined file that says "I said hello. I said goodbye."
- A file that contains the string input submitted by the user.
The included croo file does the following:
- Calls output #1
- Calls output #2
- Calls output #3
- Puts the "hello world" file at
- Puts the "goodbye" file at
- Prints output file paths and descriptions in a table:
Croo is copying output files from /gpfs/gpfs1/cromwell/cromwell-executions/myWorkflow/<RUN_ID>
. You can also find LSF logs and other information there, in a byzantine file structure.
# Setup
git clone
module load g/cromwell_cli
# Use Cromwell's WOMTool to verify WDL and provided input file
java -jar /gpfs/gpfs1/home/jlawlor/cromwell_test/womtool-49.jar validate myWorkflow.wdl -i myInput.json
# What if we didn't have a pre-made input file?
# Let's use the WOMTool to generate our own input file from the WDL and validate it
# We can leave newInput.json as-is (with the variable descriptions as input data) or put in values of our own.
java -jar /gpfs/gpfs1/home/jlawlor/cromwell_test/womtool-49.jar inputs myWorkflow.wdl > newInput.json
java -jar /gpfs/gpfs1/home/jlawlor/cromwell_test/womtool-49.jar validate myWorkflow.wdl -i newInput.json
cromwell submit myWorkflow.wdl newInput.json
cromwell ls
# Wait for cromwell job to be marked as "Succeeded". Take note of the cromwell Id from cromwell ls
cromwell croo <RUN_ID> myCroo.json my_outputs
cd my_outputs
ls -R
Should show something like:
[jlawlor@hpc0004 cromwell_test]$ ls -Rlh my_outputs/
total 128K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 816 Apr 7 22:32 croo.filetable.b5efab9f-ae1d-482f-b4a1-1d1948968906.tsv
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 2.6K Apr 7 22:32
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 20 Apr 7 21:56 final_output.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 jlawlor gcooper-lab 512 Apr 7 22:32 intermediate_outputs
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 7 Apr 7 21:56 my_commentary.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 28 Apr 7 21:56 my_output_log.txt
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 8 Apr 7 21:56 goodbye_file.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 jlawlor gcooper-lab 12 Apr 7 21:56 hello_file.txt