CodeKata project for SafeAuto
Code Kata is a .NET Console Application that reads an input file and prints out the information. The solution includes unit tests that can be runned with dotnet test.
You can edit the inputFile.txt contained in the project and add more trips or more drivers, then you run the project and the output with the required information will appear in a Console window
The inputFile.txt
Each line in the input file will start with a command. There are two possible commands. The first command is Driver, which will register a new Driver in the app. Example: Driver Dan The second command is Trip, which will record a trip attributed to a driver. The line is space delimited with the following fields: the command (Trip), driver name, start time, stop time, miles driven. Times are in the format of hours:minutes.
You can just download the 1.0.0. release if you just want to use the project.