ReproPhylo is a reproducible phylogenomics pipeline written in python and making use of BioPython and other open tools. The main webpage is here
ReproPhylo is in the public domain under a CC0 licence. This is a 'no copyright' licence and you are free to use, modify and repurpose any part of our work as you see fit. Note that some dependencies might have more constricting licences. See manual for list of dependencies.
Docs and guides are available in a public Google Doc, and you are encouraged to edit, extend and improve these docs if you wish.
We welcome your additions and improvements, just fork the repository on GitHub and then send a pull request.
- This repository - active development of the python module and Galaxy tools as well as tutorials.
- The Dockerfile repository - contains the Dockerfile with its dependecies. You can use Docker to build a Docker image locally using this reporitory.
- The Galaxy distribution repository - A Galaxy distriution including the Galaxy ReproPhylo tools, their dependencies and an INSTALL file.
- The DockerHub reporitory - A Docker image of the python module in an IPython notebook environment.
- WinPython version with ReproPhylo, requires Git and Perl
To the extent possible under law,
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to