Created in Unity using SteamVR, Prim is a Vive virtuality application that allows the player to create an undirected graph and visualize Prim's Algorithm.
- Graph - The player can create a graph out of two kinds of elements: nodes, and automatic distance weighted undirected edges.
- Prim's Algorithm - The player can visualize Prim's Algorithm computing the minimum spanning tree (maximum nodes connected, minimum total weight) for the graph, from a chosen starting node.
Environment - rocky wilderness (to provide a nice natural atmosphere)
Nodes - represented by blue spheres
Edges - represented by green lines by default; yellow when highlighted by Prim's algorithm
Weights - number text label above each corresponding edge (distance is in meters)
The following controls are identical for each Vive controller.
Graph adjustments:
- Touchpad Press - create node
- Touchpad Hold - create edge from initially contacted node to finally contacted node
- Trigger Press and Hold - grab and reposition contacted node
- Grip Press - Single Controller - delete contacted node
- Grip Press - Both Controllers - delete all elements in the graph
Prim's Algorithm command:
- Menu Button Press - Either Controller - toggle the Prim minimum spanning tree visualization; when starting, the starting node will be chosen to be the node nearest to the controller doing the pressing