is an lightweight HarmonyOS logging library that is simple, flexible, and ready to use out of the box.。
- 1.No initialization or additional configuration required
- 2.Supports various log engines
- 3.Supports log output formatting
- 4.Supports printing logs and outputting the call stack at the same time, directly jumping to the code line on the console
- 5.Supports automatic line breaks for overSized logs
- 6.Quickly integrates other logging libraries, highly customizable
ohpm i @huolala/logger
For more information regarding environment configuration for OpenHarmony ohpm, please refer toHow to install OpenHarmony ohpm package
1. Usage instruction
import {Logger} from "@huolala/logger"
// optional
import { LogEngine, LogStackType } from '@huolala/logger/src/main/com.wp/interfaces/ILog';
2. User Guide
- 2.1 Basic print log
- 2.2 Print log & log call entry stack
Logger.w("LogTag",`test default log print`, LogStackType.FIRST_STACK)
- 2.3 Print log & full log stack
Logger.e("LogDemo",`test hiloglog print with full stack`, LogStackType.FULL_STACK)
- 2.4 Print log & format parameters
Logger.i('LogDemo',`test console format params p1 -> %s , p2 -> %d, p3 -> %o`,
undefined, undefined, "参数1", 2 , 'LogDemo')
- 2.5 Print log & automatic formatting of json parameters
Logger.i('LogDemo',`test console complex json -> %s`, undefined, undefined, jsonLog)
- 2.6 Print overSized log (automatically wrap)
Logger.w('LogDemo',`test console long long log ${longlongLog}`)
- 2.7 Switch log engine per line
// (Does not affect the default log engine, only affects a single log)
Logger.e('LogDemo',`test %s log print with params:%s`,
LogStackType._STACK, LogEngine.CONSOLE, 'this log print by console')
- 2.8 Set the maximum length of a single line of log
// Support (0-1024]
- 2.9 Switch default log engine (Does not affect specific engines of a single log)
- 2.10 Change the default log stack output behavior (Does not affect the specified stack output scenarios for single logs)
* Default:LogStackType.NONE
* LogStackType.FIRST_STACK : Print entry stack
* LogStackType.FULL_STACK : Print complete stack
- 2.11 Custom log printing ability
// 2.7.1 Set your log implementation
log(logLevel: LogLevel, logTag: string, logMsg: string ,logEngine: LogEngine, logStackType: LogStackType) {
// 完全自定义的日志打印逻辑
// 2.7.2 Print log