¡Welcome all to my social media front reporsitory! This the seventh project at GeeksHubs Academy, consisting in the frontend in React of a social media site, in this case, one based on Tweeter, now X
- Clone this repository
- Run
$ npm install
in terminal - Run and connect your mongooseDB
- Clone install and run the server available at: Here
- Start server:
$ npm run dev
- Pol Montero - Project Developer
- To Geekshubs Academy for the trust, encouragement and knowledges to make me able to develop this first project.
- To finish the project whith all endpoints I planned on the backend
- I'd be nice to use google acc login or at least sing up with user name too
- Add the comment indent feature
- Add a search on the explore view
- I'd be nice to have a img database too.
At the time of release:
- Edit post works a bit buggy