A lightweight scene library for Pixi.js v8
Scenes are a high-level method of organization of different "pages" of an application, like for the menus of a game or the different slides of a slideshow.
⚠️ This library is still in heavy development, and many things are subject to drastic change.
Dedicated documentation is coming soon™, but there are JSDoc comments. Overall, this is meant to be a simple and forthright library, so most of the features are shown below:
In main file:
import { SceneManager } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hydrogenmacro/pixi-scenes@master/dist/pixi-scenes.mjs";
// import the scenes
import MenuScene from "./scenes/menu.js";
import GameScene from "./scenes/game.js";
import * as PIXI from "/pixi.mjs";
const app = new PIXI.Application();
await app.init({ /* ... */ });
// create the scene manager instance, passing in the app
const scenes = new SceneManager(app);
// register the scenes
scenes.register("menu", new MenuScene());
scenes.register("game", new GameScene());
scenes.changeSceneTo("menu"); // setting the initial scene to be displayed
In scenes/menu.js
import { Scene } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hydrogenmacro/pixi-scenes@master/dist/pixi-scenes.mjs";
import * as PIXI from "/pixi.mjs";
// Scene extends container, so you can add children directly to `this`
export default class MenuScene extends Scene {
// This method is only called once by the scene manager so that `this.manager` is linked when you run initializing code. Think of this as a constructor.
init() {
// Changing scenes:
// this.manager will be a reference to the scene manager holding this scene, and this.manager will only be availible in or after Scene.init is called
// you can also pass in a message of any type that is passed to the next scene's start function
this.manager.changeSceneTo("game", { hi: "hello" });
this.manager.changeSceneTo("game", 123456);
// filters for a fade transition
this.fadeFilter = new PIXI.ColorMatrixFilter();
this.filters = [this.fadeFilter];
// notice that this is a generator function; this is how scene transitions can be animated
*start(delta, message = null) {
// handling the message from the previous scene
if (message)
console.log("recieved message from previous scene: ", message)
// A simple fade transition animation
// number of seconds the fade will take
const durationSecs = .5;
for (let t = 0; t < 1; t += delta / (60 * durationSecs)) {
this.fadeFilter.brightness(t, false);
// note how every iterator advance passes in a delta, which can be read from the `yield` keyword.
delta = yield;
// reset the fade filter
this.fadeFilter.brightness(1, false);
tick(delta) {
// this is called every time the ticker that the scene manager uses is ticked (`this.manager.ticker`, defaults to Ticker.shared)
// references to the app and the screen are provided from the manager
let screenWidth = this.manager.screen.width;
this.manager.app.renderer.background.color = 0xFF00FF; // changes the background color
// this is also a generator, but feel free to just return if you want an instant transition
*end(delta) {
- Resizing
- Resizing the application or using autoDensity requires you to manually adjust your positionings/sizes
- Signals from any third party should solve this
- Verbosity
- The innate verbosity of Pixi.js along with the extensive use of
might contribute to large code sizes, but the use of abstractions should help with this.
- The innate verbosity of Pixi.js along with the extensive use of
- Layers
- Dealing with ordering can be cumbersome, so even a simple layer system can help with unnecessary bugs and caveats.
- Maybe default Pixi layer integration after it gets ported to 8.x
- Events
- Events between scenes?
- Saving/resetting scenes
- Transition improvements
- Asset management
- More/better examples