This repository has the main purpose of sharing code recipes used in different EM facilities. It can also points to other places where interesting scripts/programs are hosted. The idea of creating this repository came from an EM Facilities meeting host in Madrid during 27 and 28 of July 2017.
The general Scipion repository can be found at: Scipion now implements processing in streaming, which is very useful for processing on-the-fly during data acquisition.
The following repository contains some scripts that are not part of Scipion, but use its API to achieve some tasks:
Session wizards are scripts that prepare the setup for the data acquisition and create a pre-set Scipion project to be used in streaming.
- Session Wizard at CNB: This wizard is hosted within the main Scipion repository and can be found here:
- Session Wizard at SciLifeLab: This wizards is similar to the CNB one, but also communicates with third-party software (Instruments Booking System and National projects Application Portal). It is hosted in a separated repository: