Xmipp is a suite of image processing programs, primarily aimed at single-particle 3D electron microscopy, designed and managed by the Biocomputing Unit located in Madrid, Spain.
The Xmipp project is divided into four repositories. This is the main repository, which contains the majority of the source code for the programs, additional scripts, and tests. Three remaining repositories, XmippCore, XmippViz, and Scipion-em-xmipp, are automatically downloaded during the installation process.
To have a complete overview about Xmipp please visit the documentation web. The recommended way for users (not developers) to install and use Xmipp is via the Scipion framework, where you can use Xmipp with other Cryo-EM-related software.
For developers, it becomes handy to install Xmipp in an external directory for easy integration with IDEs. By default Xmipp installer takes care of linking to Scipion.
The first step is to download Xmipp sources:
git clone https://github.com/I2PC/xmipp.git
cd xmipp
If you want to checkout an scpecific branch use the following command. For repositories where the branch does not exist, devel is utilized.
./xmipp getSources -b branch
Compile Xmipp
scipion3 run ./xmipp
Refer to ./xmipp --help
for additional info on the compilation process and possible customizations.
Install the Scipion plugin.
scipion3 installp -p src/scipion-em-xmipp --devel
If you miss some feature or find a bug, please create an issue and we will have a look at it, you can also contact us by [email protected] or Discord (Scipion chanel). For more details, troubleshootings and information visit the documentation web.
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