epigraph is, as it name suggests, a typst package for creating epigraph. The main feature includes:
- Custom position of epigraph
- Custom text style for both quote and source
- Custom width of epigraph
An epigraph is some quotes at the beginning of chapter.
For example, this is an epigraph:
The simplest usage of epigraph is:
#epigraph(source: "Ockham")[
Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily
resulting in:
If you want a longer epigraph, set the width
For example:
#epigraph(source: "A Wise Man", width: 70%)[
resulting in:
Maybe you want to put epigraph on the left of the page, set the position
For example:
#epigraph(source: "A Wise Man", position: (
align: alignment.left,
dx: 0pt,
dy: 15pt
resulting in: