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Releases: IBM-Cloud/terraform

IBM Cloud Provider - v0.3 (based on terraform 0.9.3)

05 Jun 04:51
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Following resources for applications on Bluemix have been added:

  • Application
  • Route
  • Private Domain
  • Shared Domain
  • Space

Enhancements to existing resource

  • Data source ibmcloud_cs_cluster_config accepts admin parameter to download the admin configuration for a given cluster

Bug Fixes

  • Deleting resources outside terraform gives 404 error on subsequent terraform plan #133
  • ibmcloud_cs_cluster_config data resource downloads the config each time #134

Following have been removed from the provider definition

  • Remove skip_service_configuration #112

Below data source support was added

  • VirtualGuest

The documentation for the provider is available here


18 May 15:35
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Bug fixes

  • Cluster deletion fails with authorization header missing errors


12 May 20:19
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IBM Cloud Provider - Authentication simplified

The provider takes the following parameters now:

  • Bluemix API Key
  • SoftLayer username
  • SoftLayer API Key

IBM Cloud provider - First release

27 Apr 09:58
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  • Based on terraform 0.9.3. Provider supports the below resources.

Bluemix infrastructure resources

  1. Auto Scale Groups
  2. Auto Scale Policies
  3. Bare Metal
  4. Basic Monitor
  5. DNS Domain
  6. DNS Domain Resource Record
  7. Dedicated Hardware Firewall
  8. Dedicated Hardware Firewall Rules
  9. Global IP
  10. Local Load Balancer
  11. Local Load Balancer Service
  12. Local Load Balancer Service Group
  13. NFS-based Endurance and Performance file storage
  14. Provisioning Hooks
  15. SSH Key
  16. VLAN
  17. Virtual Guest
  18. SoftLayer Image Template (Data source)
  19. SoftLayer Security Certificates
  20. SoftLayer User
  21. SoftLayer VPX Load Balancer Services
  22. SoftLayer VPX Load Balancer Virtual IP Addresses
  23. SoftLayer VPX Load Balancers
  24. SoftLayer VPX Load Balancers HA with two Netscaler VPX devices

Bluemix kubernetes cluster resources

  1. Cluster
  2. ClusterConfig
  3. ClusterServiceBinding
  4. Worker

Bluemix cloudfoundary resources

  1. Account
  2. Org
  3. Space
  4. ServicePlan
  5. ServiceInstance
  6. ServiceKey

IBM K8s provider

27 Apr 10:13
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Based on terraform 0.9.3. Provider supports the below resources.

  1. Deployment
  2. Ingress
  3. Namespace
  4. Pod
  5. Replication Controller
  6. Secret
  7. Service
  8. Volume
  9. Volume Claim

Resource Docs