Login to Docker Playground with your docker hub ID
Run the following commands on Docker playground
docker container run --name welcome hello-world:latest
docker container ls --all
docker container run -t -i --privileged --rm ubuntu bash
uname -a
docker container rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
- Download app.zip from git repo or from here
- Drag & drop it on Docker playground terminal
- Execute the following command in sequence
unzip app.zip
cd app
- Create a file with name “Dockerfile” without extensions and save it as “all files” type
- Add the following contents to Dockerfile
FROM node:10-alpine
COPY . .
RUN yarn install --production
CMD [“node”, “/app/src/index.js”]
- Drag and drop Dockerfile into the Play with Docker terminal
docker build -t docker-101:1.0 .
docker image ls
docker run -d -p 5000:3000 docker-101
docker container ls
docker container kill b3c
- Go to Docker Hub and log in if you need to.
- Click the Create Repository button.
- For the repo name, use 101-todo-app. Make sure the Visibility is Public.
- Click the Create button!
docker login -u YOUR-USER-NAME
docker tag docker-101 YOUR-USER-NAME/101-todo-app
docker push YOUR-USER-NAME/101-todo-app
docker run -dp 3000:3000 YOUR-USER-NAME/101-todo-app