Idea list from brainstorming session during Android Bootcamp 2021
Owner: Rupam Dasgupta
Owner: Aakash Sinha
- Users: Donor, Org (Receiver), Admin
- Items, Donate money,
- Point based system for all donors
- Monthly leaderboard
- Corporates would fund the prize for the winner of the leaderboard (Coupons)
Single App Sign in for donor/ Org
Bottom nav bar: 1) feed (food, books, clothes etc) 2) Monthly leaderboard 3) profile 4) Organisation's work 6) Organisation requirements section 5) Want to do list: Tracking of my donations. Encourage the donors
Owner: Rupam Dasgupta
- Description: ....
Owner: Biswajit
Two parts:
- Frontend: Kotlin
- ML Backend: Firebase ML Kit/ Own model deployed using Tensorflow.js
- Can also be an IOT project Owner: Jyoti Gupta