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The brief set the following objective to be achieved during this project: To create a CRUD application with utilisation of supporting tools, methodologies and technologies that encapsulate all core modules covered during training. In short my aim is to create an application that Create, Read, Update and Delete functions to demonstare my skills gained through the first five weeks.


I have decided to create Computer-Specification website. The users are able to use the website to create a list of computer parts that fit together and share this list specification with other users. The relationships between parts will not allow the users to combine parts which are not compatible together. The original idea included all of the computer parts required. To keep the focus of the project more simple and allow time to fully implement the current components, I have reduced them to just a few. The CRUD implementation is as follows:


  • CPU:
    • Name
    • Make
    • Model
  • Motherboard
    • CPU
    • Case
    • Name
    • Make
    • Model
    • Type
    • Series
  • Case
    • Name
    • Type
    • Make
    • Model


  • Specification list that contains all the chosen parts from the user.
  • Specification list sent by other users.


  • CPU choice.
  • Motherboard choice.
  • Case choice.


  • CPU choice.
  • Motherboard choice.
  • Case choice.


Risk Assessment

Risk Assement table analyses the possible risks I could encounter during the development and management of the project. Risk Assesment All the highlighted rows were added later on during the development process after they became clear. The yellow risks are potential threat depending on how the development of the project is handled.

Trello Board

The progress of the project is documented using Trello as it is well suited for a small scale project. The initials setup of the board looks as follows: KanBanBoard The full access to the board is here: The updated Trello Board: KanBanBoard2

Entity Relationship Diagram

My first ERD with one to many relationship . First ERD
My original ERD was a one-to-many relationship-diagram which is makes it fairly good ERD to follow for this project but to develop it further I have added an extra relationship. A computer originally consists of multiple parts and to showcase how further relationships will work in future I have adpoted a relationship for another part:

Second ERD Through the use of the Motherboard table I have decided to use a many-to-many relationship by braking it up in multiple many-to-one relationships. A computer system should be a many-to-many relationship but taking many-to-one relationship aproach will allow me to construct dependecies which in this case is introducing compatability relationships between components. This aproach will also make it easier for a users to find a component that is already in the database system and easily introduce further features such as Cooler component to cooldown the CPU.
Third ERD When developing the application I found the relationship between Motherboard and other components doesnt work together well. Therefore I isolated Motherboard as a single component and created an extra diagram called Build which ties in all the components together and represents relationships better between componenets.

Analysis of Testing

The project follows only unit and integration testing which cover the scope of the application and allows us me to fully test it's given CRUD functionality. There are other forms of testing which can be implemented but are outside the scope of the project. These forms of testing mentioned bellow dont have to be followed sequientially and allow full testing for a bigger project.

  • API testing - testers validate that API connections and responses function as intended.
  • UI testing - testing of UI controls like buttons, menus and text input to ensure that the experience flow and features chosen are optimal for the user experience.
  • System testing - validate the complete and integrated software package to make sure it meets requirements.
  • White-box testing - tests several aspects of the software, such as predefined inputs and expected outputs, as well as decision branches, loops and statements in the code.
  • Black-box testing - testing against a system where the internal code, paths and infrastructure are not visible.
  • Acceptance testing - ensure that the end user can achieve the goals set in the business requirements.
  • Alpha testing - uses internal team members to evaluate the product.
  • Beta testing - a soft launch, enabling you to get feedback from real users who have no prior knowledge of the app.
  • Production testing - attempts to discover and triage user-reported defects as quickly as possible. The plan below follows test that will be perfomed when the full functionality for my CRUD application is implemented. As more functions were implemented I have gradually added multiple tests:
Test Analysis When designing the test cases it helped me outline problems in my code which I had to adjust or simply implement new check that will prevent the overwriting and duplication of data. Such a feature is especially the build name. Allowing the build name to be unique will prevent the user creating duplication and getting the wrong information stored into the database.

Continuous Integration

Continuous intergration allows me to automatically integrate code into my CRUD application through the focus on automatic testing. In my aproach I develop the application using Python which then gets pushed and pulled from the Version Control System GitHub. Jenkins with the provided script will get the repository and build it. This allows Jenkins to run unit and integration testing using Pytest and provide a report with Pytest coverage that will let us understand what code needs refactoring.

CI Pipeline

Jenkins Script

  • First a protected script that contains your pass and injects variables for example:

    • echo DATABASE_KEY=$(echo "mysql+pymysql://testname:testpass@host/databasename") >> .env
  • This script will allow Jenkins to run the test every time.

  • Install dependecies that are needed for testing the script. The chrome driver is needed for integration testing.

  • Clone the appliation to ensure everything is stored correctly on Jenkins.

  • Install pip requirements. Pip contains pytest and pytest-cov which allow you to get a report for the designed test cases and what they cover.

    • python3 -m venv venv
    • source venv/bin/activate
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the test

    • python3 -m pytest --cov=application --cov-report=term-missing


Unit Testing

Unit testing allows me to separate the route functions for each component such as the add functions for the Create functionality, read functions for the Read functionality etc.. this then allows me to test each function with given scenario to ensure they work correctly. These tests are tied to a Jenkins Virtual Machine which runs them automatically after every push on a select version control system which in my case is Git. Jenkins will print out if the test cases are successful and provide a coverage report to what lines of the code are being missed in the test cases. To run the test cases yourself follow the listed Jenkins steps above. Unit Testing

If one of the test cases fails the entire build is marked as a failure in the Jenkins report.

Unit Testing Fail


Read Page

The read page allows the user to list an existing build in the database. To list it they simply need to enter the name of the build. Once a build is entered below a list of each part in the build is shown. If the build doesn't exist or a certain part hasn't been added the use will be notified. There are links below the list to access other functionality of the application. The CRUD functionality covered by this is READ.

Add Page

The Add page contains a guide which tells the user how to create a new build list. The Add page cotains extra links for each component such as CPU, Motherboard and Case. Once the use has created a build name they get notified with a message and propmted to continue to each add page for a component. In the individual page for each component there is a form which allows the user to create an entry to the database for that component and tie it to the build database. If the user tries to use a non-existant name the application will prompt them to create a name first with a notification. The CRUD functionality covered by the Add Page is Read and Create.

Add Page:

Add Motherboard Page:

Add CPU Page:

Add Case Page:

Update Page

The functionality for the Update Page for taking information is the same as the AddPage. It will let the use change the name of a build and parts associated with that build. The difference is when Updaitng the information in the database. Instead of creating a new entry the Update function will look in the database of each component with the associated build id and update the information. The CRUD functionality here is Read and Update.

Update Page:

Update Motherboard Page:

Update CPU Page:

Update Case Page:

Delete Page

The delete page simply takes in a build name and a desired choice. The all choice will delete every component associated with the build and the build itself. The other choices "CPU", "Case","Motherboard" will delete the relavent component associated with the build. The CRUD functionality covered by this page is Read and Delete.


Integration Testing

I tried to perform Integration Testing but it kept failing due to not being able to find the correct webpage. I tried to research the problem and figure out a fix. The problem is shown in the picture below.

Integration Test Fail


Future Improvements

  • A really good feature improvement will be having user control. The user control will allow people to create their own accounts which will allow them to create builds which can be easily shared with other users. User and Pass functionality will also prevent other people accessing unauthorized builds and changing them.
  • Another feature will be like mentioned in the proposal introduce further relationships between components. At the moment people can add CPU part from AMD to a build list with a motherboard part for an Intel CPU. Introducing further constraints will make the application more robust and reliable.
  • Since the goal of the application is to be a computer specification list. A future imporvement will be adding functionality for all the components need by a Computer. Such as Power Supply, Cooler, Graphics card etc.. This feature will allow a user to build a fully speced computer parts list.


Ivaylo Ivanov


Oliver Nichols Ryan Wright Victoria Sacre


Software to create a list with computer specification.







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