Improved Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation Using Pre-trained Knowledge and Pseudo-labeling Transfer
This repository contains the implementation of a method for improving unsupervised Chinese word segmentation using pre-trained knowledge and pseudo-labeling transfer.
- We focus on the unsupervised Chinese word segmentaion (UCWS), which do need to any human annotation data.
- Our model consists of two modules, the segment model and the pre-trained classifier:
- The segment model trained on the raw corpus without any annotationm in the first training stage.
- The pre-trained classifier learns the word segmentation signal from the pseudo-labels produced by the segment model.
- We evaluate our proposed work on 8 Chinese word segmnetation benchmark dataset, the result outperform the previous SOTA in unsupervised CWS.
: Contains the code for our two-stage training framework.codes_cws_tool
: Contains the code that utilizes an existing Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) tool for word segmentation.configs
: Includes the configs of the SLM used in the
: Contains the necessary data files for training and
: Set up the environment and install the necessary dependencies and the dataset.requirements.txt
: Lists the required dependencies to run the code.
# Clone this project.
git clone
# Install the dataset and the necessary dependencies. & Create the virtual environment.
- Once the installation is complete, the virtual environment will be set up, and all the required dependencies and dataset will be installed.
- The Chinese word segmentation benchmark dataset is included in this project, which consists of 8 benchmark datasets for Chinese word segmentation, along with the evaluation script.
- Train the segment model on the raw corpus without any manual annotation.
- Determine the CWS dataset.
- Determine the GPU device being employed.
bash scripts/ as 0
- Convert the word segmentation task as sequence tagging task.
- Train the classifier based on pseudo-labels produced by the segment model.
- Determine the CWS dataset.
- Determine the GPU device being employed.
- The classifeir is based on the BERT.
bash scrips/ as 0
- Display the best-F-scores of the experiments.
python --exp_path exp/second_stage
- If you want to check the detail of the experiment, all the evaluation results for each checkpoint are logged on tensorboard.
tensorboard --logdir exp/second_stage