An Apache Sling launcher containing Apache Stanbol and a servlet offering a front-end to the Enhancer to the enhancer services
Sling-Stanbol is compiled using maven version 3 or higher. You can download maven from
As several dependencies are not yet available in the maven central repository, we first compile these dependencies locally.
clone the repo:
git clone git://
change to the annotate.js/lib directory and install with maven
cd annotate.js/lib
mvn install
clone the repo:
git clone
change to the stanbol directory and install with maven
cd stanbol
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
For some yet unclear reasons, you might have to run the last command again if the build fails.
As SLING-2192 isn't solved yet, you also have to compile this bundle
Clone the repo:
git clone git://
change to the slingrs directory and compile with maven:
cd slingrs
mvn install
Finally you can compile sling-stanbol by running mvn install
in the directory where this readme file is located.
- change diretcory to sling-stanbol-launcher/target
- start the laucher with
java -jar sling-stanbol-launcher-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- You may upload html document (using WebDav for example) and open them in the browser, by adding the ".stanbol" suffix to the URI you should see a page that allows enhancing and editing the resource
- To try the resource page you may go to
- Try out the enhancer servlet at: