MCD file parser library
- Full metadata access
- Slide image extraction
- Panorama image extraction
- Acquisition image extraction
- Binary data access (in-memory)
- OME-TIFF export (optional compression)
- Unit test environment
- Python 3 bindings
Bundled with the source (version 1.8)
Header-only library, no additional setup required -
OME Files (optional, for OME-TIFF support)
Required components: OME Common, OME Model, OME Files
Build and install withcmake & make & sudo make install
Tested with OME Common 5.4.2, OME Model 5.5.6 and OME Files 0.4.0 -
Google Test (optional, for unit test support)
Configured as a Git submodule, no additional setup required -
pybind11 (optional, for Python support)
Configured as a Git submodule, no additional setup required
git clone --recursive
mkdir mcdlib/cmake-build-release
cd mcdlib/cmake-build-release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Note: if you experience troubles while building the library (more specifically, when linking mcdlib to the OME libraries), this likely happens because of outdated/broken CMake files provided by the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) team.
This is a C++11 example of the full functionality of the library:
#include <string>
#include <mcdlib/MCDFile.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
mcd::MCDFile mcdFile("/path/to/file");
// full metadata access
auto meta = mcdFile.readMetadata();
auto firstSlide = meta.getSlides()[0];
const std::string schemaXML = meta.getSchemaXML();
auto swVersion = firstSlide->getProperty("SwVersion");
// slide image extraction
mcdFile.saveSlideImage(firstSlide, "/path/to/file");
// panorama image extraction
auto firstPanorama = firstSlide->getPanoramas()[0];
mcdFile.savePanoramaImage(firstPanorama, "/path/to/file");
// before/after acquisition image extraction
auto firstRegion = firstPanorama->getRegions()[0];
auto firstAcquisition = firstRegion->getAcquisitions()[0];
mcdFile.saveAcquisitionImage(firstAcquisition, "/path/to/file", mcd::MCDFile::AcquisitionImageType::BEFORE);
// acquisition data export to OME-TIFF
std::string compression = "LZW";
auto data = mcdFile.readAcquisitionData(firstAcquisition);
data.writeOMETIFF("/path/to/file", &compression);
// in-memory acquisition data access
auto firstChannel = firstAcquisition->getChannels()[0];
auto firstChannelData = data.findChannelData(firstChannel);
auto firstChannelDataRaw = firstChannelData->getData();
return 0;
For interactive/scripting usage, this is a Python 3 example:
import mcdpy
mcd = mcdpy.MCDFile('/path/to/file')
# full metadata access
meta = mcd.readMetadata()
first_slide = meta.slides[0]
# slide image extraction
mcd.saveSlideImage(first_slide, '/path/to/file')
# panorama image extraction
first_panorama = first_slide.panoramas[0]
mcd.savePanoramaImage(first_panorama, '/path/to/file')
# before/after acquisition image extraction
first_region = first_panorama.regions[0]
first_acquisition = first_region.acquisitions[0]
mcd.saveAcquisitionImage(first_acquisition, '/path/to/file', mcdpy.AcquisitionImageType.BEFORE)
mcd.saveAcquisitionImage(first_acquisition, '/path/to/file', mcdpy.AcquisitionImageType.AFTER)
# acquisition data export to OME-TIFF
data = mcd.readAcquisitionData(first_acquisition)
data.writeOMETIFFCompressed('/path/to/file.ome.tiff', 'LZW')
# in-memory acquisition data access
first_channel = first_acquisition.channels[0]
channel_data = data.findChannelData(first_channel)
raw_channel_data =
At any time, a brief documentation is available using Python's built-in help functionality.
Copyright 2017 Jonas Windhager
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.