The API token from the open weather map service is used, for the weather forecast to work, you need to register on the service and get the API token
To get the weather forecast, you need to run the command: cyclone
On the first run, the token and city API setup process will be started to complete the request.
- Show weather with CLI
- One of the popular weather APIs is used - OpenWeatherMap
- Interactive CLI with the ability to select actions, show loading states and text animations when displaying information
- Emoji as weather icon display
- Written in TypeScript
- Small application size, only 5 kb
- Can be installed globally
Can be used both globally and locally.
To install via npm: npm install --global cyclone-cli
To install via yarn: yarn add --global cyclone-cli
To install via npm: npm install --save-dev cyclone-cli
To install via yarn: yarn add cyclone-cli
You can see the available commands with the command: cyclone βhelp
or cyclone -h
To refresh the API token, you can enter the command: cyclone βtoken [API_KEY]
or cyclone -t [API_KEY]
To update the city, you can enter the command: cyclone βcity [CITY]
or cyclone -c [CITY]
You can find out the version of the application using the command: cyclone βversion
or cyclone -v
The application settings file is located in the user folder, in the hidden directory .cyclone/config.json
. It contains a set of settings for different versions of the application.
A list of all versions and their changes can be found in the file. The releases of each version are located on the releases page on Github.
If you want to improve the project, you can submit your PR with corrections or improvements. The file describes the details of how to start and configure the project.
The rules for the community when sending pull requests are in the file
The MIT license is located in the file