Spopi can only work on Raspberry Pi > 2
Download last Raspbian Jessie img here
Then you can insert the µSD card in the Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
sudo raspi-config => International option and change keyboard layout if needed. Default is english => expand filesystem
Then you can reboot the Raspberry
To set DHCP on the network interface Replace in /dev/network/interface/
iface eth0 inet manual
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
If you want static IP address, you have to replace in /dev/network/interface/
iface eth0 inet manual
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
And then relaunch the network with
sudo service networking restart
Now you can test the network:
ping www.ipgp.fr
wget -O /tmp/spopi_install.bash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IPGP/Spopi/master/spopi_install.bash
bash /tmp/spopi_install.bash
It last between 10 and 20 minutes. At the end, you just have to reboot and enjoy !
sudo reboot
The stations plots will appear few seconds after reboot. Be patient !
They are two simple example of Spopi usage in /home/pi/visu:
2/3 of the screen with a drum plot and 1/3 of the screen with a line plot
half of the screen with a station, the other half with another one
3 line-plot stations
You can modify them and choose which of those programs will start at the end of /home/pi/visu/screen_on.bash
Visualisation is set to start at boot and at 08h00 TU. It will automaticaly stop at 17h00 TU.
You can change start and stop of visualisation time by editing the crontab:
crontab -e
You can either connect to the Raspberry with ssh (user is pi and default password is raspberry) or change tty