Arduino library that transforms raw button/touch inputs into events easily.
Subscribe to Pressed/Released/Hold/HoldReleased events with as many buttons as you want. Customize time thresholds and debouncing. Works with any button read method.
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- Flexibility
- Works with:
- Buttons
- Touch
- Any other signal
- Also works with:
- Pulling
- Multiplexing
- Interrupts
- AnalogReads
- etc
- Works with:
- Event Subscription: You can subscribe to any of the following events for any button:
- Pressed
- Released
- Hold
- Hold Released
- Unlimited Buttons/Touches: You can configure as many buttons as you need.
- Input signal Debouncing.
- Customizability: You can change any of the time thresholds to customize your user experience.
: The time it takes before the firstHOLD
event is executed after the button is held down.HoldInterval
: The Time Interval that corresponds to theHOLD
event being executed repeatedly after the firstHOLD
event was registered.DebounceTime
: The Time that is used to debounce input signal.
- Debugging: Easily enable/disable logging for all button states and events.
- Serial Output Customization: You can change the serial Output used for logging.
- Blackout Time: Disable any event execution for the given amount of time.
This Library is available in Arduino Library Repository
and PIO
and you can install it from:
- Arduino IDE Library Manager
- PlatformIO Libraries
- Include the library
#include <EZButton.h>
- Create an object from
#define BTN_1 0
#define BTN_2 1
#define BTN_3 2
#define BTN_4 3
//config for 4 buttons
//Read button states from the 'ReadButtons' function
//HoldThreshold: 500ms
//HoldInterval: 300ms
//DebounceTime: 15ms
EZButton _ezb(4, ReadButtons, 500, 300, 15);
- Initialize your buttons/touches however you want.
- Attach any Interrups if needed.
- Subscribe to any event you need
//Define your pinModes
//button event subscribtion
//button index, function to execute, event type
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_1, Btn1HoldRelease, HOLD_RELEASED);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_2, Btn2Release, RELEASED);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_3, Btn3Hold, HOLD);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_3, Btn3Release, RELEASED);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_4, Btn4Hold, HOLD);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_4, Btn4Release, RELEASED);
//or you can pass lambda functions
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_4, []() {
}, HOLD);
_ezb.Subscribe(BTN_4, [](int index) {
//index will be the index of the button triggering the event
button index
stands for an array inside EZButton that holds your button states and IS NOT PIN of the button.
- Define
void ReadButtons(bool *states, int num)
//Read all button states however you want
states[BTN_1] = !digitalRead(2);
states[BTN_2] = touchRead(3) <= 50;
states[BTN_3] = touchRead(4) <= 50;
states[BTN_4] = touchRead(5) <= 50;
- Call EZButtons
function in your main loop.
void loop()
- Define Event Functions that was used in Subscriptions (step 5)
void Btn1HoldRelease(){
// you can also get the button index
void Btn2Release(int index){
To enable debugging, you need to add the -DEZBUTTON_DEBUG
parameter to your build_flags
This will log event subscriptions and event executions to the serial.
If you are using another Serial
port, you can override the default serial by adding the -DEZBUTTON_SerialOutput=Serial1
Build Flag to your environment.
Right now only one subscription is possible for each button event.
e.g. You can only subscribe to the PRESSED
event of BTN_2
once and the second subscription to this event will override the last one.
You can still subscribe to other events with the same button with no problem.
Please refer to this Fully working example
- Rewrite in C
- Add multiple subscriptions to a single event
- You can open Issues for any bug report or feature request.
- You are free to contribute to this project by following these steps:
- Fork this Repo.
- Create a new branch for your feature/bugfix in your forked Repo.
- Commit your changes to the new branch you just made.
- Create a pull request from your branch into the
branch of This Repo(