A simple telegram bot for sending SMS through TWILIO API
Installing dependencies
pip3 install -r req.txt
First before you start the bot you need to fill proprely the variables inside the settings.py
__bot_token = "" # YOUR TELEGRAM BOT TOKEN TALK TO @BotFather
__twilio_account_sid = "" # YOUR TWILIO ACCOUNT SID CAN BE FOUND HERE https://console.twilio.com/?frameUrl=/console
__twilio_auth_token = "" # YOUR TWILIO AUTH TOKEN CAN BE FOUND HERE https://console.twilio.com/?frameUrl=/console
twilio_messaging_service_sid = "" # YOUR TWILIO MESSAGING SERVICE SID CAN BE FOUND HERE https://console.twilio.com/us1/develop/sms/services?frameUrl=/console/sms/services
And then just use it :)
- /start
- /send_message