Vance is a system of notes. With a login into the platform, all notes will be stored. In addition, it is possible to share specific notes with other users.
- [ x ] CRUD |
- [ x ] Adding, editing and removing notes |
- [ x ] Share notes with other users |
- [ x ] Share notes with other users |
Create virtual environment: $ python3 -m venv my_venv
Instalar pacotes (Linux): $ my_venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Instalar pacotes (Windows):$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Entrar no Ambiente virtual (Linux): $ . my_venv/bin/activate
Entrar no Ambiente virtual (Windows): $ .\my_venv\Scripts\activate
Atualizar banco: $ python3 db migrate && python3 db upgrade
Iniciar plataforma: $ python3 runserver