This repository contains Python code samples which us the Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV*) Library. These code samples are a good starting point for developers, across a wide range of markets, who wish to develop more robust computer vision and analytic solutions.
The code samples are mainly in two categories: Diagnostics and Application
Diagnostic Samples:
Sample 01 - Version information and environment variables
Sample 02 - OpenCV* build information
Sample 03 - Basic image test - overlay text
Sample 04 - Basic video test - stream and overlay text
Sample 05 - Checks for OpenCL availability
Sample 07 - Checks for hardware extension support
Application Samples:
Sample 06 - Video steam and capture image
Sample 08 - Watermarking still image
Sample 09 - Watermarking display stream
Sample 10 - Still image face and eye detection
Sample 11 - Real-time video face detection and tracking
Sample 12 - Real-time people counter
The twelve computer vision code samples in this repository have been optimized using Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) and the Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL). By following these code samples with the optimized libraries, you will be able to see performance improvements over the basic installation of OpenCV.
Intel® NUC NUC6i7KYK with Intel® Core™ i7 (codename Skylake)
Microsoft Windows® 10 + Microsoft Visual Studio* 2015
Ubuntu* 16.04.2 + Anaconda + Intel® Distribution for Python*
Microsoft Windows 10 + Anaconda + Intel® Distribution for Python*
- Latest Integrated Windows 10 Drivers
- Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ applications for Windows* (*Registration Required)
- Intel® Media SDK (*Registration Required)
- OpenCV v3.2.0
- Intel® Distribution for Python* (*Registration Required)
- Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (*Registration Required)
- Intel® Math Kernel Libraries (*Registration Required)
- Intel® Threading Building Blocks
Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications:
- Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications
- Getting Started with Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications
- Developer Guide for Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications
Intel® Media SDK:
Important: OpenCV v3.2.0 release can use vendor-provided OpenVX* and LAPACK/BLAS including Intel® Math Kernel Libraries for acceleration. Do not refer to outdated Intel® INDE documentation but directly refer to OpenCV documentation within the OpenCV v3.2.0 release.