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Project Lead:-
Prasenjit Ghose 2nd Year Btech Computer Science and Engineering
Manasis Das 2nd Year Btech Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Sajag TCP Protocol is a open source project which is looking for open source contributors to further enhance the system it is a multiple client handling, through a single server project which uses the ip address of the communicating device to send and recieve messages from different clients to a single server
This TCP protocol is completely build on python_3.8.2 and Warning !!!! using any other python version may not work in it i.e. python2 will not work
1.forking and cloning the repository
first fork the repository and clone it in your sysytem git clone https://github.com/prasenjitghose36/SAJAG_TCP_protocol-.git2.Checking the server for your system
chmod u+rwx check_server.py
python check_server.py
3.Setting up the server which is your device
chmod u+rwx server.py python server.py4.Connecting your client with the server
chmod u+rwx client.py python client.pycopy your machines id i.e. server id in the client.py code and you can now send messages easily.
1.forking and cloning the repository
first fork the repository and clone it in your sysytem git clone https://github.com/prasenjitghose36/SAJAG_TCP_protocol-.git2.Checking the server for your system
./server_check.py3.Setting up the server which is your device
./server.py4.Setting multiple clients and accessing the server
first copy the server ip address in the client code ./client,py setup multiple clients using different windows in powershell and then send message enjoy :)Security Protection tips: Never give your devices ip address in public and be safe from DDOS attack !!!!!! :) :) :(
Developer: Prasenjit Ghose mail_me_at:- [email protected]
visit my website: - My_portfolio