a readme template for my version of social links
This is a solution to the Social links profile challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep.
Users should be able to:
- Interact with the buttons
- The Solution and The Live URL : (https://social-profile-ihsanhanifs-projects.vercel.app/)
- Flexbox
<h1>Some HTML code i learned more<h1>
-button : learn about simplyfying link with just pressing butttons
-class : a little bit of class
not much on the html tbh
.proud-of-this-css {
using display flex
all the flexbox command i use
and much more
will learn more about css especially at flexbox, also will learn js to add more feature on upcoming websites.
Free Code Camp - I learn the basic html and css here, helped me alot
Frontend Mentor - This is where i got my idea about this project
- Instagram - Ihsanhnf_
- github - Ihsanhanif
a thank you for my uncle who introduced me to coding and helped me alot since. @hafizanadli [https://github.com/hafizanadli]