Releases: Ijee/Amazeing
Releases · Ijee/Amazeing
1.2.3 (2024-07-22)
Bug Fixes
- add warning on import modal that strings may become invalid (c9e8082)
- ensure heuristic selection is reset when switching to an algorithm that supports it (289afa2)
- algorithm: merged sets statistic is now working (f3d5d71)
- algorithm: remove unnecessary statrecord in wilson algorithm (fdc6d7f)
- algorithm: temporary fixes for recursive division and remove unnecessary statrecord (c5e1ccb)
1.2.0 (2024-07-11)
This marks the first release I consider to include most features I originally wanted this project to have.
There are still some bugs but for those I know of most are related to how the maze algorithms handle the start and goal node.
- add aria labels for screen reader (47d62e2)
- algorithm: add first working a-star version (f5a8810)
- add html meta tags (be98285)
- algorithm: add the first working version of the cellular automaton algorithm (9507000)
- add ui for general pathfinding settings (5dfbd86)
- add wip message to the learn page (95cee26)
- algorithm import now works for pathfinding (b121bd1)
- better warning ux when switching algorithms (previously caused layout shifting) (e0618a1)
- algorithm: enable diagonal and corner movement for pathfinding algorithms (c9fa0fa)
- algorithm: finally added the wilson option sequential node selection (09280a2)
- fix nav dropdown style and add touch devices nav dropdown animation (baa191b)
- grid-settings view-transition now works properly and doesn't cause headaches anymore (747bc36)
- grid-settings warning ui is now also used when switching algorithms (730cca0)
- labels now also have cursor not allowed when form element is disabled (63c3c11)
- make algorithm options a standalone component (ec7daa7)
- pathfinding import/export is now working (c6f9447)
- remove maze-routing until it is decided what to do with it (2a14604)
- remove unused warning modal component (2f5a6cc)
- show available app hotkeys in legend modal (745854a)
- show warning/reminder when selecting octile and chebyshev distance but not diagonal movement (53129c4)
- switching the algorithm mode now properly uses a custom view transition (b2ab5d1)
- user tour is now complete and added more consistent styling (fdb7946)
Bug Fixes
- a* and dijkstra import fix for tracePath (6d21b59)
- add back hover effect for algo mode buttons (8acd432)
- algorithm: add forgotten and rename misnamed node explanations (0e1c878)
- adjust stats box-shadow to be the same as the others (a41ff9d)
- adjusted algorithm names (hyphens) (d6d45e9)
- algorithm options select is now more consistent with the other form styles (9fb82d0)
- angular main router animation error (acacf7b)
- app paddings are now working properly (a09b119)
- change back prims node explanation (again) (af07d5a)
- change detection interactions for the grid component (177ab3f)
- algorithm: change how neighbours are handled so that diagonal paths don't take precedence (baadd87)
- changing start/goal is now also a savepoint (92e2e7e)
- container width and router animation jumpiness (d125153)
- dark and light mode layout shifting and transitioning between them (1f21c05)
- dark theme modal style is now consistent (6f3533d)
- algorithm: dijkstra now uses the a-star implementation minus the differences (987f9b8)
- algorithm: ellers algorithm import / export should work properly now (95fa177)
- enabling corner movement now also forces diagonal movement (45caf69)
- form label sizes (ed46e71)
- algorithm: get rid of serialize/deserialize errors (f6b596a)
- grid text display (d4f6dd5)
- grid-settings component now don't lose their state before the transition starts (b2df94f)
- algorithm: growing tree now handles start and goal nodes correctly (d5feeba)
- heuristic doesn't get stuck on disabled anymore and respects what the algorithm provides again (ad8dc52)
- algorithm: hunt and kill algorithm now works after a serious re-write (a55e180)
- make grid settings more readable (contrast) (9a40a06)
- make this fine red line disappear on algomodebutton (c968dd5)
- maybe I shouldn't have removed this angular animation duct tape (8c85217)
- mouse hover over node when drawing/deleting (bf1d715)
- navbar github button appearance cleanup on touch devices (f402bd0)
- no longer possible to sneakily use pathfinding settings if the algorithm turns it off (1099c7b)
- no reason to have algorithms heading outside component for the view-transition (278def8)
- opening a modal now properly fades navbar items as well (e577590)
- other + and - key events for speed up and down now also work (cd26b1c)
- pathfinding settings are now back in algorithm service as well (78fb45a)
- algorithm: priority queue indexOf function wrong way to return and fixing a-star with it (8b6362d)
- pseudo navbar-item hover fix (631c48c)
- remove hunt and kill viable nodes stat tracking for now (1a8f0b4)
- remove leftover css transition (ceb0649)
- remove unnecessary console logs someone forgot remove (111037e)
- remove warning outline and cleanup of unused css ([7b3fec6](https://githu...
1.1.0 (2024-05-31)
- simulation: algorithm checkbox options now work properly with consistent styling (49db944)
- add a way to get the goal location for path finding algorithms (f719095)
- add breakpointService (bc34e73)
- add contains function to priority queue class (6d4dcc2)
- algorithm: add first pledge algorithm version (977f713)
- algorithm: add first tremaux algorithm version (bf187a1)
- simulationi: add first wall-follower algorithm version (1860a7f)
- add first working a-star algorithm version (9a23e71)
- algorithm: add first working best-first-search version (a978a61)
- algorithm: add first working dead-end-filling algorithm version (3fe54de)
- algorithm: add first working depth-first-search version (459d562)
- algorithm: add first working dijkstra algorithm version (1bd60cc)
- algorithm: add first working maze-routing algorithm version (0689a11)
- algorithm: add first working version of the breadth-first-search (590e2c6)
- simulation: add font-size clamping for better visibility with larger grid weights/text (0b9652b)
- add hashset iterator (c6dc290)
- pathfinding: add heuristic functions and a way to calculate the distance (9644796)
- add main menu animation for touch users (973560d)
- add update() function to PriorityQueue class (60350fc)
- simulation: allow custom text on nodes for additional information (4f5a0b6)
- change default pathfinding algorithm to a-star (d4fd09f)
- algorithm: change how heuristics are being used (ea48060)
- change website background (3bd03ce)
- simulation: disable heuristic options during algorithm run (7c945f9)
- simulation: disable pathfinding heuristic settings when using a maze solving algorithm (0dd1987)
- include url for the export share functionality (e175527)
- algorithm: remove trace, recursive pathfinding algorithms from app (4b6d469)
- show version number based on commit tag for builds (86ea4b4)
- algorithm: simplify setInitialData() calls from simulation service (16ed1d1)
- use breakpointService throughout all components (5e57b47)
Bug Fixes
- algorithm: add missing import / export functionality for maze-routing, pledge and tremaux (bd4d0dd)
- add outline to dark mode algo-buttons for consistency (86de17b)
- simulation: added padding at the correct place (da8e2de)
- simulation: adding weights is now also a gridSavePoint (51b864a)
- adjust app paddings (35efcc4)
- modal: adjusted legend modal style to look like the others (be83d9e)
- adjustment for 1024px width layout shifting (d44f9ca)
- simulation: algorithm button sizes now more consistent on smaller screens (50a4363)
- aligned paddings for ui panels to make it more consistent (578b41d)
- binary tree algorithm options didn't match (7f61985)
- buttons not taking up full width on mobile (7142e26)
- change changelog link in settings dropdown (2ad63f8)
- simulation: change grid appeareance (9f20d8f)
- changed inconsistencies between export and import modal (836616f)
- algorithm: dead-end-filling import / export and some fixes (1a05f8a)
- simulation: don't show learn more button on touch devices for better visual clarity (89e4128)
- simulation: don't show stats on mobile screens for visual clarity (4e70722)
- simulation: fix setting start/goal (80a462b)
- simulation: fix stat reset (0cc84a4)
- simulation: history adjustments (06c5cb3)
- simulation: history case algorithm completion (c4817e6)
- algorithm: make algorithm node color meaning more consistent throughout all of them (1a786de)
- make algorithm settings panel more readable on tablets and mobile (f3afbad)
- make export only available if textarea is not empty (4db9a38)
- simulation: make grid control buttons less pronounced (ce91ef2)
- make import only available if textarea is not empty (e23d70c)
- make mobile view for the stats section less obnoxious (38b14e1)
- simulation: make node weight text more readable on small screens (5feceb2)
- modal: make warning modal readable on mobile (171f62a)
- simulation: more consistent button sizes on smaller screen sizes (fcecc0e)
- more dark mode fixes due to bulma css 1.0 (39cfc23)
- simulation: node weights should at least be 1 (6d8e4b8)
- algorithm: prims goal location handling (3fa073d)
- simulation: remove algo button box-shadow (cc7dada)
- simulation: reset statrecords as well when clicking on reset (c0ae673)
- **...
1.0.0 (2024-04-11)
- add additional button color transition when changing algorithm mode (7ea117e)
- add dark mode (6fd379f)
- add initial pwa functionality (a771eba)
- add new logo and branding throughout the app (763048a)
- add new way to work with stats and how they get handled. (c0c2aa4)
- add share button for pwa / mobile users (08534a5)
- add support for select algorithm options and it works somehow (561ca6a)
- add user tour (7798d10)
- add way to use browser settings for dark mode, reduced motion and use it for the app itself (ef423fe)
- pwa: added a non-intrusive way to install the app as a pwa (fcf6be7)
- algorithm: added bare wall-follower version (1500152)
- added building streak to aldous-broder as a stat (0f99014)
- algorithm: added the first working version of the wilson algorithm for creating mazes (afed563)
- allow only specific weights on nodes to be shown (6963c1a)
- change general font to poppins (a7c3732)
- change mobile/touch look + attempt at dark mode but blocked due to missing css vars (waiting for bulma) (6b15220)
- change text selection colour based on algorithm mode (8832397)
- change title bar colour when switching between algorithm mode (0fee28e)
- changes to touch layout for simulation page (5d7a7d1)
- disable play buttons when algorithm is done (cfb0268)
- enabled a way to disable adding weights based on selected algorithm (aaf50ba)
- algorithm: first kind of working version hunt and kill (f5836a0)
- algorithm: first working binary tree version (7fbf28e)
- algorithm: first working ellers version (fd39bb1)
- algorithm: first working growing tree implementation (0502a52)
- algorithm: first working kruskals implementation (cfa63ff)
- algorithm: first working recursive backtracking version (af07438)
- algorithm: first working recursive division implementation (f6ab33f)
- algorithm: first working sidewinder implementation (6b6a387)
- simulation: make back and forth steps during the simulation process display from the history (a5e6ffa)
- make it possible to import algorithm sessions that have algorithm options set (f468d88)
- make maze interface abstract first revision (4b2d357)
- modals use @defer to load after initial render (dc1d909)
- preparation for pathfinding algorithms and change in categories (a295cbe)
- remove stats animation once simulation speed is or above 300 (dbddb97)
- show package version in the app (e96bbb0)
- stop algorithm at 10k iterations when clicking complete algorithm (c1c8d19)
- service: unified maze and algorithm service (43385cf)
Bug Fixes
- a little bit of everything. seriously. (59ad60d)
- ability not to show status color on the legend modal - see 'status-none' for statRecords (3fefa03)
- accept .txt file extension by default (5e47d98)
- accidental layout changes due to brain fog (9f87b6f)
- algorithm: actually fixed growing tree algorithm (43bb01d)
- add angular cache to gitignore (f8e1a92)
- add angular cache to gitignore (fd4992b)
- add directive to fix settings dropdown not closing on click outside of it (f13569e)
- add file type to allow native file export (0456d29)
- aldous-broder algorithm stat fixes + break condition to stop the algorithm correctly. (fa879c4)
- allow synthetic default imports to allow npm version to show on the app settings drawer (2511e31)
- also reset node weights when switching algorithms due to it being potentially disabled (19a2590)
- another small chunk of layout changes (4db06af)
- attempt to make the background gradient work on mobile (7088224)
- background gradient repeating on mobile (95d0a43)
- algorithm: binary tree works as intended now for real maybe (ac4062f)
- bottom of the logo is now not cut off on some resolutions (2e07e81)
- change how fontawesome icons are used to reduce bundle size significantly (32c547e)
- simulation: change how simulation speed is set to the intended functionality (adb07a0)
- grid-settings: change learn more button margin to better separate the settings (4aae68e)
- change return type of getters (9c2d9ce)
- aldous broder: change stat descriptions to make more sense (20d3288)
- settings: change when the algorithm mode warning is shown (4240c42)
- changed fontawesome import for missing icon (0260702)
- ci: changed playwright tests action + added artifact upload (c0cf0ce)
- bug: clarified behaviour when switching the algorithMode based on user settings (c4ce876)
- copy and paste now also using new-ish clipboard api ([6f16a97](6f16a972f13a8e75d20...