a SASS mixin using CSS3 for adding a fold effect to an element
Add foldy.scss to the folder your SASS files are in
Import foldy at the top of your .scss stylesheet
ie: in style.scss, '@import "foldy";'
- Apply the fold to an element
ie: div{ @include foldy({time}, {width}, {height}, {color}, {fold size}, {start position}, {shadow}); }
- Arguments:
- time: this sets the transition time for the fold effect
- width: sets the width of the element
- height: sets the height of the element
- color: sets the color of the element
- fold size: sets the size of the fold as a fraction of the size of the shortest side of the box (use a decimal here)
- start position: this is a guess-and-check value. IMPORTANT: based on the size of the element and the fold size this percentage will change. For a perfect square with a fold of 0.2, the start position will be 80%.
- shadow: this is either a 1 or 0 (as in true/false), indicating whether the fold is using a flat design or a more rounded, 3D effect.