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Ben Toogood edited this page Jun 13, 2013 · 6 revisions


In Cortex, the IECoreMaya.FileDialog class provides an alternative to maya.cmds.fileDialog. More details here:



Here's a really quick example of how to pop up a dialog box from the right-click Parameter menu, that asks the user where to save the value for the parameter, enforcing that they specify the extension '.cob'.


You may wish to put this code in one of your in-house modules, or somewhere equally suitable.

__all__ = []

def __saveParameterValue( parameter, node ) :

	# For more on why were making a class for this, see the bottom of this page
	class Exporter :
		def __init__( self, node, parameter ) :
			self.__node = node
			self.__parameter = parameter
		def doExport( self, paths ) :		
			# Paths will be empty if the user has cancelled
			if not paths :
			# Make sure that the value in the Parameterised object is up to date
			fn = IECoreMaya.FnParameterisedHolder( self.__node )
			fn.setParameterisedValue( self.__parameter )
			data = self.__parameter.getValue()
			IECore.Writer.create( data, paths[0] ).write()
	# Make an instance of the file extension filter, so we can
	# make the dialog more picky
	tools = IECoreMaya.FileBrowser.FileExtensionFilter( [ "cob" ] )
	exporter = Exporter( node, parameter )

		title = "Enter a file name (.cob) to save to",
		buttonTitle = "Export",
		saveMode = True,
		key = "parameterValueExportTool",
		filter = tools.filter,
		validate = tools.validate,
		# Register the method of our Exporter instance as the callback
		callback = exporter.doExport,		

def __menuCallback( definition, parameter, node ) :
	active = False
	with IECore.IgnoredExceptions( KeyError ) :
		active = parameter.userData()["maya"]["useValueExportTool"].value		
	if not active :
	definition.append( "useValueExportTool", { "divider" : True } )
	definition.append( "Export Value to disk...", { "command" : IECore.curry( __saveParameterValue, parameter, node ) } )
IECoreMaya.ParameterUI.registerPopupMenuCallback( __menuCallback )

Then, for each parameter you wish this to be used on, wherever this parameter is defined, you can do something like this

	name = "geometry",
	description = "The geometry to render.",
	defaultValue = IECore.Group(),
	types = [ IECore.VisibleRenderable.staticTypeId(), IECore.ObjectVector.staticTypeId() ],
	userData = {
		"maya" : {
			"useValueExportTool" : IECore.BoolData( True ),

Other tricks

The FileDialog call takes all the keyword arguments of the FileBrowser class. One of these is the options kw. This allows you to provide a callable with the following signature

f( <FileBrowser instance>, uiParent )

Making Exporter a class instead of just using a curried function becomes more relevent then. You could create something like this should you wish, which adds a text field to the dialog, and stores the text in the header of the resulting file.:

import maya.cmds


def __saveParameterValue( parameter, node ) :

	Class Exporter :

		def drawOptions( self, fileBrowserInstance, uiParent ) :

			self.__description = maya.cmds.textField( parent=uiParent )

		def doExport( self, paths ) :


			w = IECore.Writer.create( data, paths[0] )

			description = maya.cmds.textField( self.__description, query=True, text=True )
			w["header"].getValue()["description"] = IECore.StringData( description )

		options = exporter.drawOptions,		
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