Releases: ImpulseRC/OSD
Release notes V90.27
New features - Wolf V3 and Apex OSD ONLY
- FlightPath: increased accuracy
- Black background now also used for statistic screens and stick overlay (if activated)
- Added option for medium size arrow (Home, Waypoint, Replay)
- About twice the size
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added Waypoint arrow
- Up to 20 waypoints can be set
- Optional altitude can be set for each waypoint
- Shows arrow with distance similar to home arrow (and altitude if configured)
- M9N GPS support
- Optional 25Hz mode
- Concurrent use of all available GNS (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU)
- FuriousFPV 2.4Ghz VTX support
- Note: PIT BOOT not available
- Sticky High Power option
- VTX will stay in High Power setting after you have armed once
- Various small fixes
- Improved Flight Path KMZ file export
Release notes V86.25
- Fixed ESC temperature in statistics
- More timing fixes in SmartAudio module
- Slightly increased baud rate for KISS FC communication and activated STM32 auto baud feature (Wolf V3 and ApexOSD only)
Release notes V85.25
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added RX trim menu
- In case you want to trim your radio endpoints/center in the field
- Added RTH Failsafe setting
- Fixed 250mW and 500mW display for CRSF TX power label
- Fixed timing issue in SmartAudio module preventing pit mode to work properly
Release notes V84.25
New features - Wolf V3 and Apex OSD ONLY
- Interactive Flightpath on page 4 of the statistics screen (requires GPS)
- Plots the flight path graphically
- You can rewind/forward with roll and yaw
- Shows time, speed, altitude and flown distance
- Flight path can be stored for Replay arrow/GoPro finder
- Flight path export via Windows GUI into .kmz for Google Earth
- Huge arrow for GoPro Finder mode - for use with FPV watch
- Black background can be activated for menus or flight path (helps on very bright days)
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added Replay arrow/GoPro Finder (requires GPS - MAG recommended)
- Separate arrow that lets you re-trace the flight path you have just flown
- Can be used as GoPro finder
- Added support for KISS FC messages
- Messages are now displayed in a stack with a maximum of 3 messages at the same time
- Added MS5611 Barometer support
- BMP388 already supported with previous release
- Added sending of voltage and current sensor data to KISS FC (Wolf V1-V3 only)
- Various small fixes
Release notes V80.23
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added RTH KISS settings (needs RC44l or higher)
- Improved return recommendation for home arrow
- Does now display "RETURN" if battery too low to return home (do not rely on it - just a warning)
- Satellites are now showing "LOW" if the GPS uses less than 6 satellites
- Improved GPS performance
- Improved 3D speed
- Off by default, you can turn it on in GUI
- Added external Barometer support
- BMP388
- Added Temperature label
- Shows MCU core temperature
- Shows Baro temperature reading if available
- Added Time label
- Shows time acquired by GPS
- 24h/12h format can be configured
- KISS FC version is now displayed in main menu (alternating with ImpulseOSD version)
- Various small fixes
Release notes V75.21
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added RTH flight mode
- Added SBAS setting (off by default)
- Speed is now in 3D
- Added CRSF link info (SNR and RSSI)
- Added blink mode for LEDs
- Added D-min adjustment for BF
- Added IST8308 Mag support
- Fixed GPS data if GPS is connected to KISS FC
- Improved connection stability with KISS FC
- Various small fixes
Release notes V14.7 to V68.20
New features - Wolf V1-V3 and Apex OSD
- Added Custom Logo
- You can upload your own logo and text (using Windows GUI)
New features - all hardware
- Added Caddx Ratel preset for Camera Control
- Added Custom preset for Camera Control
- If custom preset is selected, you can modify the voltage reference and resistance values
New features - all hardware
- Added AUX support for LEDs
- LEDs can now be turned on/off via AUX
- Similar to the throttle LED function but on an AUX channel
- Added Camera Control quick setting support for newer cameras
- Holding left, right, up and down will now activate the quick settings
- GPS tweaks
- Altitude, Satellites, Speed (and Compass if you don't use a MAG) start blinking when fix is lost during flight
- Compass will blink if speed is less than 10 kph (unless you use a MAG - and calibrated it)
New Graphical OSD features - Wolf V3 and ApexOSD only
- Added ImpulseOSD logo intro animation
- Added graphical compass
- Larger HUD style compass
- Can be activated/deactivated with the Icons (active by default)
- Added frames for menus
- Fixed Camera control - no more messing around with cam sync
- Fixed bug with SA2.1 not showing 0mW anymore (thanks Alex Rau for reporting)
- Fixed bug copy LED not saving (thanks Alex Rau for reporting)
- Added 1s delay when saving to FC (sometimes caused connection issues)
- Various small fixes
- Fixed GPS home arrow for graphical OSDs
- Fixed activation message to avoid confusion with FC activation
New features - all hardware
- Swapped coarse and fine adjustment logic since most of you would not read tool tip
- Yaw is now coarse adjustment
- Roll is now fine adjustment
New Graphical OSD features - Wolf V3 and ApexOSD only
- Added Frame
- Frame size can be set so it matches HD cam view
- Two modes: Thin and Thick
- Can be put on AUX channel to turn on/off
- Added Stick Overlay
- Shows stick movements
- Mode 1 through 4 support (Mode 2 default - sorry Australia)
- Can replace separate stick cam (sync HD video with DVR and crop sticks into final HD video)
- Graphical home arrow
- Instead of rotating in steps it rotates smooth
- Graphical mAh icon
- Instead of depleting in steps it depletes smooth
- Inverted OSD feature
- black becomes white and vice versa
- Fixed "Continue battery" not resetting
- Various small fixes
New features
- Added IMD6 channels
- Rush Tank VTX compatibility
- Various small fixes
- Fixed center OSD feature for ApexOSD
- Fixed missing bottom line for ApexOSD for NTSC mode
- Various small fixes
- Added more checks to combat connection issues
- Various small fixes
- Added 3s startup delay to eliminate the NO CONNECTION bug
- Various small fixes
New features
- Automatic NTSC/PAL detection in GUI
- Added KISS GPS (please keep you GPS connected to ImpulseOSD - it will still send GPS data to KISS)
- More connection diagnostics in RESET menu
- Few changes to eliminate the NO CONNECTION bug
- Various small fixes
New features
- CRSF LQ optional 300% mode
- Faster VTX code
- WolfPDB v3 support
- Added connection error codes
- Various small fixes
New features
- Support for Apex OSD
- New ImpulseOSD logo :)
- Auto CRSF LQ detection
- RSSI will work without having to configure anything (CRSF only)
- KISS FC: V1.3RC36b or higher necessary
- Also works if CRSF is directly connected (for FL1 users)
- Added CRSF TX power label
- Added Sparkle LED effect
- Various small fixes
- Fixed detection of SA devices
- Fixed analog RSSI input
- Fixed detection of SA devices
- Fixed bug with VTX sometimes not waking up from PIT BOOT
- Fixed bug with SA2.1 devices sometimes not being detected
- Faster home arrow when using magnetometer
- Various other small fixes
- Fixed saving of FC values for BF FCs when no GPS is connected
- Fixed "no connection to FC" issue when GPS is connected
- Fixed "no connection to FC" on older KISS FC firmwares
New features
- VTX updates
- SmartAudio 2.1 support (Unify Pro32 Nano etc.)
- Unify HV SE support (set VTX max power to 1000mW)
- Unify Pro Nano support (set VTX max power to 50mW)
- Tramp race lock support
- Pit mode for VTX when connected to GUI or sent to update
- Pit mode on a switch (SA2.1 and Tramp devices only)
- Simply set 0mW for low power and assign a switch for VTX power
- Support for any FC or RC craft!!! (e.g. FlightOne, Wings, etc.)
- direct CRSF support (with telemetry for Battery and GPS)
- direct SBUS support
- You can use all the great features of the WolfPDB except for FC settings (PIDs, Rates, etc.)
- Added "Trust mode" for Magnetometer = faster home arrow
- Several improvements under the hood for a more consistent experience
- Fixed critical bug that can lock up the PDB
- Various small fixes
New features
- SBUS support
- CRSF support (with Battery and GPS telemetry if connected)
- Pit mode for VTX when connected to GUI or sent to update
- Fixed GPS information when no FC/Receiver is connected
- Various other small fixes
New features
- Pit mode for VTX when connected to GUI or sent to update
- Fixed GPS information when no FC is connected
- Various other small fixes
- Fixed camera control via serial
New features
- VTX power controllable via AUX channel
- Camera control: easier access to external camera OSD (just pitch up and hold)
- Added warning if connected battery is not fully charged
- Option to show cell voltage in statistics
- Angle aid: Guide when flying at extreme angles 60-90 degrees (crosshair must be active)
- GPS position label limited to 5 decimals (accuracy around 1m with SBAS)
- Satellites label will start blinking if less than 6 satellites are in view
- Added GPS support if no FC is connected
- Improved Beacon Mode (now active when disarmed after 60 seconds)
- Fixed voltage correction
- Fixed compass flip for magnetometer (and added 90 degree options)
- Display PIT instead of mW when in PIT BOOT
- Various other small fixes
New features
- Turtle mode arrow
- Camera reference voltage configurable
- Updated CRSF presets to match latest CRSF FW
- Added tooltip for Roll and Yaw adjustments
- BF Feed Forward support
- GPS data will be pushed from PDB to FC (for BF 4.0 and higher)
- Added QMC5883L compass support
- Added LIS3MDL compass support (untested)
- Added support for newer GPS devices
- Improved EEPROM stability
- Fixed satellites count (was missing GLONASS sats)
- Various other small fixes
New features
- Camera reference voltage configurable
- Updated CRSF presets to match latest CRSF FW
- Added tooltip for Roll and Yaw adjustments
- BF Feed Forward support
- BF GPS over MSP support (for BF 4.0)
- Improved EEPROM stability
- Various other small fixes
New features
- MASSIVE speedup for BF users: faster refresh rate and quicker reacting menus
- VTX power will start blinking if Tramp temperature goes past 90 degrees Celsius
- SBAS support for GPS = more satellites
- Added GPS rescue message if active on BF FC
- Added VTX LUA support for BF (when BF 4.0 will be released)
- Various fixes around RSSI configuration and display
- Fixed sensor correction when internal amp sensor is used
- Fixed ESC temperature and rotation when BF FC is connected
- Fixed temperature display in VTX status if Fahrenheit is configured
- Various other small fixes
New features
- French language support
- Voltage based capacity OSD label
- GPS coordinates can be displayed in a single line as an option
- Separate menu for Magnetometer
- Reverting to internal sensor on KISS if not all 4 ESCs are reporting telemetry
- Fixed amp statistic when internal sensor is used
- Various other small fixes
- Smarter battery resume
- Better amp and voltage filters
- KV calculation in ESC stats (thanks Fedor!)
- BF3.4 additional settings and filter support
- Magnetometer calibration
- Officially adds magnetometer support on i2c
- Spanish language support (thanks Javi!)
- Statistics for max/min are using raw instead of filtered values
- Added delay to prevent Tramp from locking up
- Battery size is now saved when holding yaw right
- When saving BF FC values OSD won't crash anymore