HoneyPot's dotfiles
Warning: Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!
- Fish Config
- Fedora Config
- Neovim Config
- Plugins are managed with Lazy Loading
- Fish Shell
- Fisher - Plugin Manager
- Tide - Shell theme. Use version 5:
fisher install ilancosman/tide@v5
- Nerd Fonts - Powerline-patched fonts. I use Hack.
- Z for Fish - Directory jumping
- Fedora KDE Plasma
- Cava - Audio Visualizer
- Kitty - Terminal
- Rofi - Application Launcher
- NeoFetch
- sxhkd - Keybindings
- Neovim - IDE
- Lazy - Plugin Manager
- Plenary - Asynchronus Programming Module
- Lsp-Config - LSP Configuration
- Null-LS - LSP Diagnostics & Code Actions
- Mason - Package Manager for LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters
- Mason-Lsp-Config - Integrate Mason & LSP Config
- Treesitter - Language Parsers, Queries and Modules (e.g. Highlighting)
- Treesitter-Textobjects - Select, Move or Swap Text Objects
- Telescope - Fuzzy Finder
- Telescope-File-Browser - Create, Delete, Rename and Move Files
- Cmp - Completion
- Cmp-Buffer - Source for Buffer Words
- Cmp-Lsp - Source for LSP Completion
- ToggleTerm - Toggle Terminal
- Nvim Tree - VSCode File Tree
- Git - VIM Fugitive Git Commands
- Gitsigns - Git Decorations
- Autopairs - Autopairs for Brackets, Quotes and Parenthesis
- Markdown-Preview - Markdown Preview
- Alpha - NVIM Greeter
- Gruvbox Colorscheme - Gruvbox Dark Colorscheme
- Lualine - Statusline
- LspKind - VSCode Pictograms