LunaUI is under develop and (centainly) can produce bugs = =#. Please use with care ()
Features marked with 'experimental' may be altered or removed in future.
is structured image generator which you can include in your bot projects for image generate purposes.
or LuiEditor
is a graphical editor for LunaUI
use LunaUI
as its image rendering backend, so your editer result is fully reproducible in bots.
LunaUI.LunaUI ui = new(YourWorkPath, "Examples/Text.json");
ui.GetNodeByPath<LuiText>("name").Text = "GoEditAUIInsteadOfHardCodingIt";
Image im = ui.Render();
// Send or store it
Render result:
LuiEditor render result (with layout rect)
Properties for Text:
You can see how these params work with this example.
Pivot=(0.5, 0.5)
and Docking=(0.5,0.5)
makes Text centered in root layout.
Json content for text example:
"ui_options": {
"text_kerning_config": null
"layouts": {
"name": "Root",
"position": "0, 0",
"pivot": "0, 0",
"docking": "0, 0",
"size": "200, 200",
"visible": true,
"auto_size_x": false,
"auto_size_y": false,
"sub_layouts": [
"$type": "LunaUI.LuiText, LunaUI",
"placeholder": "GoEditAUIInsteadOfHardCodingIt",
"text_render_mode": 0,
"kerning": 1.0,
"font_name": "Exo",
"font_pixel_size": 16.0,
"font_style": 0,
"text_color": "255, 0, 0, 0",
"text_align_horizontal": 1,
"text_align_vertical": 1,
"shade_enabled": false,
"shade_color": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"shade_offset": 1.0,
"shade_size": 1.0,
"border_enabled": false,
"border_color": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"border_offset": 1.0,
"auto_size_by_placeholder": false,
"name": "Text",
"position": "0, 0",
"pivot": "0.5, 0.5",
"docking": "0.5, 0.5",
"size": "150, 60",
"visible": true,
"auto_size_x": false,
"auto_size_y": false,
"sub_layouts": []
WARNING: Always save before exit or close window. There is no save warning in this version.
First set your work path from Menu -> Edit -> Editor Options
These configs are saved in config.json
Then you can create or open a ui (json) file from Menu -> File
UI size is adjusted through Root
node's Size property.
ImageLayout's image is setted through Menu -> Edit -> Select Image for Image
. Select imageLayout first.
Move layouts by mouse is not supported now. Click to select them. Please edit it in the properties window.
TrueType: from RoyT.TrueType with MIT license.