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Ash edited this page Aug 23, 2022 · 7 revisions

[This is a WIP!]


This project is a turbo repo with the main app written in NextJS(webfront) and other packages structured as shown below:

Project Structure
Project Structure

What's inside?

This is a turborepo which uses Yarn as a package manager. It includes the following packages/apps:

Apps and Packages

  • webfront: App with landing,consumption and studio  pages

  • embed: App which is used to embed our custom player anywhere. Uses oembed spec

  • firebase-functions: Contains firebase auth handler

  • hocuspocus: Yjs collaboration server

  • media-convert: Lambda that has handlers for the transcoder

  • ui: a stub React component library shared by frontend applications

  • config: eslint, typescript, tailwind configurations

  • editor: the editor used for storyboarding

  • icanvas: contains common canvas components

  • prisma-orm: prisma schema and client

  • server: the trpc server

Installing new turbo-repo dependencies

yarn workspace {app/package} add {dependency}

Other dependencies

Dependent Services

  1. Color-codes

    A service that provides color codes for each token w.r.t to the programming language's grammar.


    i. Clone this repo and cd into it.

    ii. build the docker image

    docker build -t colorcodes .

    iii. set the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKENIZE_ENDPOINT to the docker image's url.

  2. MySQL

    Once you have finished building the docker image for colorcodes you can start the service.

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Redis

    This will be used by the hocuspocus service to provide realtime collaboration and autosave features.

  4. Minio

    This is an open-source alternative to AWS S3. It is used to store the files uploaded by the user.

Below is a list of proprietary 3rd party service's that is used in this project.You will be required to signup and provide a api-key to be able to run this branch.

Dependent 3rd Party Providers


  1. Go to

  2. Create a new project

  3. On the left hand side menu , click on Build > Authentication> Get Started

  4. Go to settings > project settings > General , under your apps create a new web-app . After giving an app name you will be able to see the firebase config for that app. Copy and paste the firebaseConfig as json into the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG in .env file of webfront.

  5. Goto settings > project settings > service accounts > Generate new private key and copy the json into the environment variable FIREBASE_SERVICE_CONFIG in .env file of packages/server.

Note: When using json in env make sure the quotes are escaped.


You can sign-up for a free account at and get your API key (NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEBLOCKS_PUBLIC_KEY) .

Tiptap and Hocuspocus

Tiptap is a open-source text editor which is used by the frontend.

Note: Currently one of the tiptap-extentions used in this project is only available with tiptap-pro

Hocuspocus is a service that provides collaborative and realtime features for the Tipatap editor. This enables features such as collaborative editing , realtime cursor movements and autosave feature. This service is dependent on redis and mysql, which persistently store the notebook.

Note: Hocuspocus is still an early access product, you will need to create an account to view the hocuspocus docs.

Cloud (AWS)

  • Media Convert

    This is a service that combine's media files of different blocks.

    We are actively working on a open-source alternative to this service using ffmpeg.

  • S3:

    This is a service that provides object storage for media files , assets , generated content etc.

    Minio has been included in the docker-compose for local development. You can access the minio console at http://localhost:9000 with the credentials incredible:SuperSecretRootPwd


You can request an api-key here and set it as the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_GIPHY_API_KEY in .env file of webfront.


An api-key can be requested here and set it a secret in packages/server/sample.secret.json to the key UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY .


An Agora project can be setup by following these steps to setup a project and obtain an APP_ID and APP_CERTIFICATE . These can be set as secrets in packages/server/sample.secret.json to the key's AGORA_APP_ID and AGORA_APP_CERTIFICATE respectively.

Google Fonts

An api key for google fonts can be acquired from here. This can be set as the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_FONTS_API_KEY in .env file of webfront.

Adding Environment Variables

Add a new .env file with the corresponding values obtained from the respective service's listed above. Refer the sample.env files in the appropriate directories.

Database and Prisma

Initially to apply the schema to the new db we need to run the following command:

cd packages/prisma-orm
npx prisma db push
yarn seed

and on every schema change run:

npx prisma db push


Run the following command to install all the dependencies:


Run locally

yarn dev

User Journey

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 9 01 59 PM