- fuse shows /$mountpoint/$username/$directory
- username is whatever name comes in when someone creates directory e.g. despiegk
- groups are defined in toml config file
- acl are done by .acl files per directory, counts for subdirs as well
- fuse is mapped onto a backend dir which is $gitrootdir/$gitrepo (acl's used for security)
- fuse keeps each user separate & commits individual after X period
- overlaydir
- per user there is an overlay directory where all change are written (keep the /$mountpoint/$username/$directory readonly and all changes go to the overlay dir)
- gitrootdir
- the root dir under which there are multiple git repo's
- $gitrootdir/$gitrepo
- $gitrepo will be on a branch normally e.g. filemanager
- each user sees the $gitrepo's in line with the .acl
- filedir
- big files are dumped in filedir under /$ab/$abcdefghi.$extension (blake hash, first dir for scalability)
name: .acl
$groupname RWD
$username RWD
- cache in redis which directory applies for which .acl file
- if dir not in redis yet then walk up & find all .acl files which are relevant for this directory, concatenate all .acl files (the deepest path has priority, so if same groupname exists higher, ignore)
- the expiration is 5 min
- groups
- members: usernames see above
- if member = * then all users
- username -> email link (for git commit)
- commit interval: default 5 min
- redislocation for events
- per user:
- all files are written on copy on write dir per user = overlaydir
- when commit interval passed by (DO THIS PER USER !!!!)
- step 1 find files which are +1MB
- walk over all user overlaydirs, check if there are new files
- files +1 MB -> copy to $filedir (or append to source file if file already exists)
- write $filepath.link metadata file which has $blakehash.$extension inside
- when files deleted touch $/overlaydir/$filepath.delete file
- during commit we see that file was deleted, remove from source metadata file (do not delete the data)
- for all files < 1MB & also the .link files
- copy to right $gitdir/$repo
- for delete remove from right $gitdir/$repo
- when all files processed: big & small files
- commit for known user e.g. despiegk into the right $gitdir/$repo's can be more than 1
- push the changes for each repo, because we are the only one pusing on this branch it should never fail
- in a queue in redis put json with (this allows other tools to further process)
- $path in git
- $action: N/C/D (New/Change/Delete)
- $epoch
- $username
- only do this user per user, while doing the checking & copying (which will be very fast): lock change in fuse layer
- the push should be done async
- step 1 find files which are +1MB
- result
- all big files are in $filedir/$ab/$abcde....$ext (which we will replicate using e.g. syncthing)
- all small files are in right git repo & committed using right username
- all link files are in right git repo & committed using right username (so we don't abuse git)
- all changes are logged into redis queue
- security is easy by .acl files in dirs (which are also on git repo's (-: )
- big files are dumped in filedir under /$filedir/$ab/$abcdefghi.$extension
- blake hash
- first dir for scalability: $ab first 2 chars of blake hash
- 2 files are stored
- /$filedir/$ab/$abcdefghi.$extension which is the content
- /$filedir/$ab/$abcdefghi.source which is the links to the sources
- source metadata
- text file, per source 1 line
- $giturl | $pathInGitRepo
- this allows us to see who is referencing this file