Keep production
fast & reliable, and users happy.
Built for developers, SRE and SQA engineers.
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Artillery is the most advanced load testing platform in the world.
- Test at cloud scale. Cloud-native distributed load testing at scale, out-of-the box and for free.
- Run serverless load tests on AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate. Kubernetes coming soon.
- Batteries-included. 20+ integrations for monitoring, observability, and CICD.
- Test anything. HTTP, WebSocket,, gRPC, Kinesis, and more.
- Playwright support. Load test with real headless browsers.
- Powerful workload modeling. Emulate complex user behavior with request chains, multiple steps, transactions, and more.
- Extensible & hackable. Artillery has a plugin API to allow extending and customization.
- Open source. Permissive open source license to let you build on top of Artillery without worry.
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Skytrace makes it easy to write, run and reuse e2e tests.
- Write flows fast with editor autocomplete and auto-reload mode
- Set assertions and expectations on responses
- Run locally, in CI/CD, or in production
- Batteries-included with 20+ integrations for CICD, monitoring, and observability
- Reuse flows for load testing with Artillery
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Artillery and Skytrace are open-source software distributed under the terms of the MPLv2 license.