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Tired of same old boring kits? try this!

How to use:

Every kit has it's own ability, which you can do by doing certain things like right clicking
an item in hand or hitting another player, these are called "modes".
Each kit can also be configured to a custom cooldown, items, effects, commands, etc...
All kits that come with this plugin require a special configurable item to activate the ability, except for iceman.

Special Kits List:

  • Acrobat:
    • Mode: left/right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: no
    • Description: Jump high in the air, being able to escape from enemies. Takes no fall damage.
  • Bartender:
    • Mode: damage player
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: yes
    • Description: Gives target nausea effect to custom amount of seconds.
  • Berserker:
    • Mode: right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: yes
    • Description: Grows player 2 times their own size and the damage is doubled.
  • Iceman:
    • Mode: move
    • Custom Cooldown: no
    • Custom Deactivate Time: no
    • Description: Creates a 3x1x3 ice path when player walks on water.
  • Magneto:
    • Mode: right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: no
    • Description: Pulls all players within 20 blocks and launches them into the air causing fall damage.
  • Scorpio:
    • Mode: right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: yes
    • Description: Launches special item and the player that picks it up will be teleported to the player who launched it. The item will disappear after a custom amount of seconds.
  • Spider:
    • Mode: right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: yes
    • Description: Spawn a 10x2x10 cob web trap in the block the player is looking at. All players in it will get a poison effect with a custom amount of seconds. While the ability is active the player can also climb walls and glide like a spider. The cob web trap will slowly disappear after a custom amount of seconds and all blocks will return to normality.
  • Swapper:
    • Mode: right click
    • Custom Cooldown: yes
    • Custom Deactivate Time: no
    • Description: Point at a player with the special item and you
  • Thor:
    • Mode: move
    • Custom Cooldown: no
    • Custom Deactivate Time: no
    • Description: Spawn a 10x1x10 fire layer on top of a 10x1x10 netherrack layer in the block the player is looking at. Lighting will summon and all players in it will be set on fire for a custom amount of seconds. Both layers will slowly disappear after a custom amount of seconds and all blocks will return to normality.


All kit permissions are set to gear.<the kits name all lowercase>


  • /gear <kit name>
  • aliases: gears
  • If you just type /gear it will show all kits available to the sender.
  • To unload a kit: /gear reset



ability_item: 288:0:1:&bAcrobat &a| Click with this to use ability
cooldown: 10s
deactivate_time: -1s
helmet: "298:0:1:default"
chest: 299:0:1:default:protection:1
legs: "300:0:1:default"
- 268:0:1:default:sharpness:1
- tell @player &5You equipped the @kit kit.
- strength:1:30


  • Items:
    • id:damage:amount:display name:enchanments...

    • example (Diamond sword with sharpness & unbreaking): 276:0:1:default:sharpness:4:unbreaking:3

    • other: if display name is set to default the item display name will be set to it's default minecraft name.

    • The enchantments are optional.

  • Commands:
    • It's exactly like any console command, but the player name is replace with @player and the kit name with @kit
  • Effects:
    • effect name:amplifier:duration in seconds
    • example (Strength 1 with 30 second duration): strength:1:30
  • Cooldown & Deactivate Time:
    • integer(s) followed by the letter(s) for each time frame.
      • Year = y
      • Week = w
      • Day = d
      • Month = mo
      • Hour = h
      • Minute = m
      • Second = s
    • example (1 minute and 30 seconds): 1m30s
    • example (1 week and 3 days): 1w3d
    • example (1 year and 3 months): 1y3mo
    • Cooldown: time it takes to be able to use kit again.
    • Deactivate Time: time it takes for the ability and it's effect while using it to completely deactivate.

Create Your Own Kits:

First create a class which extends the InfinityGamers\Gears\Kit\Kit class:

namespace mykitsplugin;
use InfinityGamers\Gears\Kit\Kit;
class MyCustomKit extends Kit{

in the class constructor call the parent constructor with your kit configuration:

namespace mykitsplugin;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use InfinityGamers\Gears\Kit\Kit;
class RandomTeleportKit extends Kit{
        public function __construct(){
            $kitName = "RandomTeleportKit";
            $specialItem = Item::get(345, 0, 1); //compass
            $items = [
                Item::get(276, 0, 1) // diamond sword
            ]; // generic items
            $clickMode = Kit::ALL_CLICK_MODE; // check all click modes in the Kit class
            $coolDown = 30; // in seconds
            $deactivateTime = -1; // in seconds, not needed in this case
            parent::__construct($kitName, $specialItem, $items, $clickMode, $coolDown, $deactivateTime);

Now add the onUseSpecialItem function:

namespace mykitsplugin;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use InfinityGamers\Gears\Kit\Kit;
class RandomTeleportKit extends Kit{
        public function __construct(){
            $kitName = "RandomTeleportKit";
            $specialItem = Item::get(345, 0, 1); //compass
            $items = [
                Item::get(276, 0, 1) // diamond sword
            ]; // generic items
            $clickMode = Kit::ALL_CLICK_MODE; // check all click modes in the Kit class
            $coolDown = 30; // in seconds
            $deactivateTime = -1; // in seconds, not needed in this case
            parent::__construct($kitName, $specialItem, $items, $clickMode, $coolDown, $deactivateTime);
        public function onUseSpecialItem(array $data){      

The $data argument is different for each mode, check the plugin kits for examples. Now make sure the string tag named kit_name from the special item is equal to your kits name, check the cooldown, then you can make things work your way.
You can also use $this->getGearsInstance() to get the instance of the plugin's base.

namespace mykitsplugin;
use pocketmine\item\Item;
use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
use pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag;
use pocketmine\Player;
use InfinityGamers\Gears\Kit\Kit;
class RandomTeleportKit extends Kit{
        public function __construct(){
                $kitName = "RandomTeleportKit";
                $specialItem = Item::get(345, 0, 1); //compass
                $items = [
                    Item::get(276, 0, 1) // diamond sword
                ]; // generic items
                $clickMode = Kit::ALL_CLICK_MODE; // check all click modes in the Kit class
                $coolDown = 30; // in seconds
                $deactivateTime = -1; // in seconds, not needed in this case

                parent::__construct($kitName, $specialItem, $items, $clickMode, $coolDown, $deactivateTime);

        public function onUseSpecialItem(array $data){
                $player = $data['Player'];
                $item = $data['Item'];

                if(($player instanceof Player) and ($item instanceof Item)){
                        if(!$item->hasCustomBlockData()) return false;

                        /** @var CompoundTag $data */
                        $data = $item->getCustomBlockData();

                        if(!$data->hasTag("kit_name")) return false;
                        if(strtolower($data->getString("kit_name")) === "randomteleportkit"){
                                    $randomX = mt_rand(0, 1000);
                                    $randomY = mt_rand(0, 256);
                                    $randomZ = mt_rand(0, 1000);
                                    $v3 = new Vector3($randomX, $randomY, $randomZ);
                                    $safeSpawn = $player->level->getSafeSpawn($v3);

                return true;

Finally register the kit to the kit manager from your plugin, make sure to have the server instance.

$randomTeleportKit = new RandomTeleportKit();
$plugin = $server->getPluginManager()->getPlugin('Gears');
if($plugin !== null){

You can also optionally add the following functions to your custom kit:

  • onLoad() called when player loads the kit.
  • onUnload() called when player unloads the kit.
  • onDeath() called when player dies.
  • onQuit() called when player quits the server.


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