An analytics server that doesn't undermine user's privacy
Google Analytics is the de-facto standard in the web and mobile analytics service world.
- It's easy to setup and start tracking users behaviors
- It provides advanced reporting features.
But it has several serious privacy implications:
- Most of the time personal data is collected without the explicit consent of the user, hence it undermines user's privacy
- It's closed-source
- It does not embrace transparency at all
- Users cannot access tracked data because data ownership is granted only to the website/app owner (and sadly to Google)
- It targets specific users and data collected is not anonymous
Inspired by an interesting article from @staltz, and from the awesome work done by the micro-analytics team, I decided to start working on a Google Analytics alternative.
Fair Analytics is an open, transparent, distributed and fair Google Analytics alternative.
- Fair - It's meant to provide lightweight and anonymous analytics about traffic and usage, not to track behaviors nor geographical locations of users
- Distributed - Raw traffic data is written in an append-only, secure, and distributed log. It uses hypercore under the hood
- Transparent - Raw traffic data is accessible to anyone. This makes it auditable and gives back its ownership to the crowd
- Easy - It's easy to setup
- Flexible - Even though Fair Analytics only stores raw data, it's pretty easy to listen to incoming events, enabling the user to manipulate/aggregate raw data in order to provide graphs or charts. Get fancy if you want to.
There are 2 ways of running Fair Analytics
npm install -g fair-analytics
The command accepts some options:
$ fair-analytics --help
Usage: fair-analytics [options] [command]
help Display help
-h, --help Output usage information
-H, --host [value] Host to listen on (defaults to "")
-m, --memory Use in-memory storage (disabled by default)
-o, --origin [value] Accepts POST requests only from a specified origin (defaults to "*")
-p, --port <n> Port to listen on (defaults to 3000)
-s, --storage-directory [value] Storage directory (defaults to process.cwd())
-v, --version Output the version number
The instance is now running at http://localhost:3000
Add fair-analytics as a dependency to your project
const path = require('path')
const fa = require('fair-analytics')
const server = fa({
storageDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname)
const { feed } = server
feed.on('ready', () => {
server.listen(3000, '')
The instance is now running at http://localhost:3000
- nginx
- docker
The quickest way to start tracking usage is to use fair-analytics-client-api
Example usage:
import fairAnalytics from 'fair-analytics-client-api'
// create a fa instance
const fa = fairAnalytics({
url: '' // the URL of your hosted Fair Analytics instance
// track events
event: 'pageView', // event is mandatory and can be anything
pathname: window.location.pathname
.then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
.catch(err => {
Please refer to the fair-analytics-client-api documentation for further details
Fair Analytics responds to 3 endpoints:
Responds with a basic homepage, displaying the feed.key
Used to POST tracked events.
Responds with 204 in case of success (the body MUST be an object containing at least an event
Gets realtime updates via server sent events Useful to create real-time dashboards
Consuming real-time data is as easy as:
if (window.EventSource) {
const source = new window.EventSource('')
source.addEventListener('fair-analytics-event', (e) => {
source.addEventListener('open', () => {
console.log('Connection was opened')
source.addEventListener('error', e => {
if (e.readyState === window.EventSource.CLOSED) {
console.log('Connection was closed')
Provides an aggregated view of all the events stored, grouped by event
and pathname
In this case data is persisted to a local JSON file using lowdb
Here is an example response:
As we said Fair Analytics is distributed. It's easily possible to replicate raw data.
const hypercore = require('hypercore')
const swarm = require('hyperdiscovery')
const LOCALPATH = './replicated.dataset'
const feed = hypercore(LOCALPATH, KEY, {valueEncoding: 'json'})
feed.on('ready', () => {
// this configuration will download all the feed
// and process new incoming data
// via the feed.on('data') callback
// in case you want to process all the feed (old and new)
// use only {tail: true, tail: true}
tail: true,
live: true,
start: feed.length,
snapshot: false
.on('data', console.log) // Use this callback to precess data as you like
$ npm test
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Every release, along with the migration instructions, is documented in the file.